1 A choice Bed of Spices. of men according to their fetled ends, according to the uni- verfal frame of their fpirits, and not according to thofe ends that may be fuggefled to them, by the world,'the flefh, or the devil. It is in this cafe, a; it 'maybe with a man that (hoots at a mark, he aims ariht at the mark, but his elbow may meet with a jog ' which may carry the arrow quite another way than what he intended ; or as it is with a man that is failing to fuch a. Haven, or to fuch a Harbour, he Beers a right courfe by his Compafs, but the winds blowing contrary, and the Sea rurinin,,.., high, he is forced into fuch a creek, or Inch a Harbour, a hich he never intended, &c. Is it regulfite for the clearing cf the gacerity of onr herrti, that , if e have a continul eye to the glory of God in every atlionrre do? I Firil, You mutt dif}inguifh between an actual aim and !intention, and an habitual aim find intention. For the fir(}, an actual aim and intention of the Spirit, in every particular action that a man cloth to the glory of God, is utterly iMpof- fible,11/hilit we carry about us with a body of fin and'death : The Angels and fpirits of jufi men made perfect, do thus actually aim,' at the glory of God, in all they do; but 'tis- a work that will be too high and too hard for u§; whilll we are here in a polluted eftate. Thiswas fo high a mark, that Adam milt it in his innocency ; no Wonder then if' we often Inn's it in our finful (late and condition. But, Secondly, There is an habitual inclination in us 'in every action we do, to aim at the honour and glory of God, though there be not the a &ual intention of the fpirit in every action we do; it is with us, as with a man travelling towards a `Town or City, he thinks in the morning to go to fach a Town, Each a place, where he purpofes to lye the art} night; and therefore fets forth- towards it ; and though he cloth not think of this every flep he takes, yet it's his purpofe in his journey, to ref( there at night ; or as it is with a man that comes to Church, his end is to hear the Word of the Lord; yet in every word he hars fpoken, he hath not the thought 9 efinf. 1. of