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A Box of precious Ointment : Or, "of his, end upon his fpirit, but he is there by vertue of his tirit intention : So here, though in every particular there be not an intention of fpirit to level this or that a6lion to the glo- ry of God, yet it is the main 'drift and habitual fcope of a mans fpirit,that Gods glory may be the 90 of all his actions. 3. Thirdly, There is a mediate, and there is an immediate eying or looking to the glory of God ; as when I forbear fuch or fuch a fin, becaufe God by fuch a command hath for- - bidden it, or I do fuch or filch a duty, becaufe God hath com- manded it. Nov, in eying of the command of God, I eye the- glory of Godimmediately, though not mediately. But, Fourthly, In fome particular or fpecial cafes, I ought aecually to eye the glory of God : As, Come erninert or extraordinary fervice that I am,to do for Chrift. Or, 2. In fome fpecial teilimony that am call'd-to give for Cfirill or his Gofpel. Or, 3.'In come great thing that I am call'd to iliffer for Chrift, or his Gofpel, or his intereft. But, Fifthly, The more a Chriflian aolually eyes the-glory of God in all he does, the more, T. He glorifies God. B. The neerer you are the life of heaven, and the more you act like the glorious Angels, and the fpirits ofjuft men made perfeol. 3. The more will be your joy, comfort and peace, both in life and death, and in the day of your account. 4. The more firong will be your confidence and aflitrance, that your fpi- ritual eflate is good, and that you &all be faxed for'ever. 5. The better you will be able to bear up.unier all the Ellie, hard, and foivre cenfures, of this world. '6. The more you will be temptation proof. 7. The more glorious and weighty will be your crown of glory at LIR ; he 'hall be.highell in heaven, who has actually aimed moll at the glory of God in this lower world. And thus you fee' hoW you may know whe-. ther your obedience is fuch an obedience as fpringsfrom faith, or no. Now, if upon ,trial you than find, that your o- bedience is the obedience of faith, then you may fafely and groundedUr conclude, that you have a Paving work of God '13pon your hearts. But, Fourth-