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choice Bed of Spices. Fourthly, A. graciousheart is an uniform heart. Ubiquity is a fare evidence of integrity. He that is truly good, swill be good in bad times, and in the worft of places ; principles of grace and holinefs, are Lifting, yea, everlafling ; they are not like the morning cloud, nor the early dew. A gracious foul will be 4eddy and fixed in his principles, in the worft times, in the worfi places, and under variety of difpenfa- tiens ; let times and places be what they Will, he will not dishonour hiS God, nor blemifh his profeirion, nor wound his confcience to preferve his fafety, or to fecure hiS liberty. An upright man is a right man : So ntril 7afbar is rendred by the Septuagint, /fag. 17. 6. He is one that will not be bowed or bent by the fitful cufloms or examples of the times and places where he lives. Abraham was righteous in C hal- dea, and Noah was petf.tta in his generation, though it was the wont in the world ; and Lot was HI in Sodom, and job was upright in the Land of llz,z,, which was a place of much 1-rophanefs and fuperftition ; and Nehemigh was couragious and zealous in Damafco, and Daniel was holy, yea, eminently and exemplarily holy in Babylon. The feveral generations wherein thefe holy men lived , were wholly devoted to wickednefs\and faperflition, and yet thefe precious,gracious, fouls had wholly devoted themfelves to the Lord and his fer- vice : David) My foal freaked) for the longinf,it kith to thy jndgments at all times Let the times be never -fo dangerous,li_ centious, fuperflitious, idolatrous or erronious, yet Davit's heart was ftrongly carried forth to Gods judgments; that i';,to his Word (for under this title, 'rudiments, you are to under- !land the whole Word of God.)So there were fome in Sardis that were of the fame fpirit,with the wo;thies WI mentioned, Rev. 3. 4. Thou haft a fen; names, even in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments, and they _Pall walkwith me in white, f&r they are worthy. In polluting time pure hearts will keep themfelves pure a holy heart will keep himfelf undefiled, even in defiling times, Rev. 14.. 4. There are they which were not defiled with women; when others are befmeared all over, he will keep his c'arments white and clean. The three Qil- dren,or father the three Champions, were fo highly refolved Y to Pral. II9.I I John 3. 9. Eiofea 6 4.