162. A Box of precious Ointment: Or, . 17. Join. 24 , kfal, I X 2.7. Mal. 3.6.. The poor Hea- then could fay, that change of place caufeth not any change of mind, &c. Cerium non ani- mism mutant gui trans mare currant }tont, to keep themfelves pare from the abominations of their day, that it was neither Nebuchadnezz,art mufick that would flatter them, nor his fiery furnace that could fcare them from their Gcd, or-from their Duty, or from their Religion. Let the times never fo often turn, you fhall find that he that is really, holy, he will be holy under every turn; no turns fhall turn' him out Of a way of holinefs, lob. 17. 9. The righteous fhall h )Id nn his way, and he that hath clean hand!,, fhall be ftronger and firo,ager. The Lawrel keeps its frefhpels and greenefs in the Winter feafon ; a gracious foul is femper ideas, let the wind, and the world and the times, turn which way they will,. a gracious foul for the main, will frill be the fame ; he is like mount Ziox which cannot be removed, job 27. 5, 6. Till I die, I will not remove my integrity from me ; my righteoufneff I hold fail, and will not let it .go ; my heartfhall not reproach me fo long (1,5 1 live. A gracious heart is (in fome meafure) like the heart of God, without variablenefs or fhadow of changing. That Chriftian that is not for fubfiance, the fame that once he was, was never what he ought to be. A gracious heart is firm and fiat for God and godlinefs, both in profperity and in adverfity ; take him among the good or among the bad, take him in forms or cairns, in Winter nights or in Summer dayes, take him among friends or foes, take him at bed or board, take him in health or ficknefs, take him in an Ordi- nance or out of an Ordinance, take him in his work or take I him at his recreations, take him in his commerce or in his converfe, take him living or take him dying., and you fhall Bill find that the byafs of his foul is fill God-wards, Chrif}- wards, Holinefs-wards, and Heaven-wards. A gracious man will fland-his ground, and hold his own in all changes, his heart being fixed upon an unchangable God. The Philofo- phers good man is (Tetra-zonos) four-fqaure ; call him where you will, like a Dye, he falls alwayes fquare and fare : So call a gracious man where you will, and into what company you will, and into what condition you will, yet fill he falls fure and fquare for God and godlinefs. Let the times be ne- ver fo fad, nor never fo bad, yet a gracious foul will keep his hold ;_he will let all go, he will let every thing go, before he