Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A chola Bed of Spices. I 3 he will let his God go,or his Religion go,or his-integrity go. A gracious Chriflian is like gold. Now, call gold into the fire, or into the water ; call it upon the dunghil, or into the kennel ; call it among the poor, or among the rich ; among -the religious, or among the fuperflitious, &c. yet Dill it is gold, {till it retains its purity and excellency : So call a gra- cious Chriflian (who is the only golden Chriflian in 'the world) into what condition you will, and into what company you will, vet Hill he will retain his purity, his innocency. Lapidaries tell us of the Chelydonian {lone, that it will retain its vertue and lufire, no longer than it is enclofed in gold A fit emblem of an hypocrite, who is only good while he is inclofed in golden profperity, fafety and felicity. An un- found Chriflian like green timber ihrink4, when the Sun of perfecution fhines hot upon him. The heat of fiery trials, cools the courage of an unfound Chriflian. if you put wa- ter into a Tub, it will have the fhape of the Tub that you put it into ; or if you put water into a glaf3, it will have the fhape of the glafs you put it into. This is the very piOlure of an unfound heart ; but a fincere Chriflian is like a =file veffel of gold, that keeps' its own fhape and figure, at all times, in all places, and in all companies ; unfound hearts, they will he righteous among the righteous, and licentious a mong the licentious ; they will be as the company is amongll which they are call ; with the good they will be good, and with the bad they will be bad ; with the zealous they will be. zealous, and with the fuperflitious they will be fuperilitious; and with the lukewarm they will be lukewarm ; they are for all times and tydes, they are for any turn that will ferve their turn, they are for any Mode that will bring either prc- fit or pleafure to them ; they are like Alcibiades, of whom it was laid, that he was (monism horArom bow) a man for all times ; for he could {Wagger it at Athens, and take any pains at Metes ; he could live moil fparingly at Lacidemon, and bib among the Thracians,-and hunt among the Perfians ; they are like the Chamelion, ready to change their hue with every one they converfe with ; they are like Polypw, that refembleth everyftOne that it flicketh to ; or they are like the Buskins y 2 an x3. 6,