164. A Box of precious Ointment : Or, 5. tub, is.t; Pecutum in deb+ Yak. Avg. anciently tiled in TraPedies, that would ferve either leg alike they are as fit Poi: one fociety as another ; or like the Players that tafed them, filch as acing Princely parts, wear royal apparel, keep ftate , and demean. themfelves gravely and Eberly, fo long as they are in publick view upon the stage ; but when they have done a&ing, are no fooner of the but they pafs prefently into another habit,. and retain neitlier Princely behaviour nor apparel, but are moil beggarly, bare and debauched,e:ther in private among them- felves, or among their companions like themfelves. Unfound hearts can accommodate themfelves to the times, and com-, ply with them what ever they be ; with Protein they will transform themfelves into all shapes, as the times chanp fo will they ; what the times favour, that they will favour ; what the times commend, that they will commend ; what the times cry up and admire, that they will cry up and ad- mire ; and what the times frown upon and condemn, that they will frown upon and condemn. Look as curious and well-drawn Pictures feem to turn their eyes every way, and to fmile upcn every one that looks upon them; fo there can turn with the times, they can look as the times look, and fmile as the times fmile, they can fay with the times, and fail with the times ; fometimes they can act one part, and fome- times another part, as the times require ; if the times require a large profellion, they can make it; if the times befpeak them to leave their ,Religion at the Church door, they can leave it. But now, a fincere Chriftian, he will labour to be fo much the more gracious,by how much the more the times are licentious. A fincere C'n riflian is like gold ; if you cal' it into the fire, it will not walk ;, if you throw it into the water, it will not ruff, it will retain its own purity and ex- cellency, wherever you difpofe of it. But. Fifthly, a baraciousheart fets himfelf mon againft his dar- ling -fin, his bofom-fin ; againft the fin of his complexion, conilitution, inclination, and calling, &c. There is fome one finful quality that is more predominant in the heart of man, than any other; there is force one Dalilab fome one ---.111gteemessimarowils