A choice Bed of Spices. "..1.1061raafalmoom.0,1 16 one darling fin that a man is more apt to play withal,' and to hug in his own bofom , than any other ' . there, is ufually fome one fin that is favourite, fame one fin. which the heart is molt fold of, and which the byafs of the foul doth moil naturally and firongly incline towards. Pliny writeth of fame families, that had privy marks on their bOdies, peculiar to thole of that line ; and fo every man hath as it were his privy fin, which is moil Oily and peculiarly called his; as in a ground that lyeth unfilled atroligtt the great variety of weed,, there is ufually fome matter weed, one among the refit that is rifer and ranker than all the refit : And as it is in the body of man, that although in fome degree or other, more or leis, there be a mixture of all the four ele- ments, not any of them wholly wanting, yet there is Come one of them predominant that gives the denomination ; in regard whereof fettle are faid to be of a fanguine, fome of a pialeg- matick, fome of a chollerick, and ?ome of a melancholick conflitution. Now thus 'tis in the fouls of men ; though there be a general mixture and medly of all evil and corrupt I qualities, yet is there fome one ufually that is paramount, more powerful and prevalent, that fwayeth and fheweth forth it felf more eminently, and more evidently than ;any other of them do and from this therefore, More frequently and apparently dilcovering it felf, is the denomination ,vont to be given, whereby fome are flyled ambitious, fame lafci- vious, tome envious, fome malicious, fome haughty fome flak, and the like ; or as in.every mans body there is a feed and principle of death, yet fome are more prone to die of a Fever than of aDropfie,and others are more prone to die'of a Dropfie than of aFever,&c.So though original fin hath fpread it felf over all our noble and ignoble parts,yet every man hath his particular inclinations, to one kind of fin rather than ano- ther ; and this may properly be called a mans own fin, his own evil way. Now mark, a gracious heart makes mot' head, moll oppofition againft his darling fin, againfl his complexion fin, againfic thofe fins that were once as dear to him as his right hand , or as his right eye, or as aalilah was to Smtpron. Heredi& to Herod, lianc to ilbrghon, and jofeph to acob,