In that,t Sarn.2l. 2,g. he tells three or four round 1,yes, and the like he did in that, I Sam.21. 8)10 Jer.r7.1A. ilof. 2, 8 Ifa. at. 6, 7. & 44 9. &c. Ira. 4.6.' 6. After the return of the yews out of Fabylon, they fo hated and ab- horiCti Idols, that in the times of the Romans, they chofe rather to die, than to fuff- r the Eagle, which was the imperial arms m be let up in their Temple. A Box of precious Ointment : Or, tacab, Pfal. 18. 23. I was atifo upright lefcre him, and I kept, felf from mine iniqu ty: That is, from my darling fin, vhereunto I was moll inclined and addiaed ; what this bo-a lam fin was that he kept himiel from, i3 hard to fay : Some fuppofe his darling fin was lying, 'difafembling, for it is cer- tain he often fell into this fin, 'I)/ al 29. Remove from me tie way tic lying; others fuppofe it to be fome fecret ,vhich was only known to God andhis own confcience; others fay it was uncleannefs, and that therefore he prayed,that God would turn away his eyes from beholding vanity,Pfa/.119.37. Others juge it to be that fin of difloyalty which Saul and his Courtiers falfly charged upon him : Well, be it this or that, it is enough for our purpofe, that his heart did rife againfl that very fin, that either by custom or complexion, or fame ilrong inclination, he was moft naturally apt,ready and prone to fall into. This is the laying of the ax to the root of the Tree ; and by this pradife Da,,id gives a clear proof of the integrity of his heart. ldo!atry was the darling fin of the peo- ple of Ifrael ; they called their Idol.; daleaable or defirable thing, ; they did dearly affed, and greatly delight in their Idols : But when the Lord in the day of his power, wrought ravingly and glo ioufiy upon their hearts, Oh I how did their hatred and indignation againfl their Idols rife? as you may fee, /P. 30. 2a. re fh,all defi;e all) the covering of thy raven images of flyer, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold ; thoulhalt c. ft them away as a menfirom cloth, thou 'halt fay unto'it, get thee hence. They were fo- delighted and enamoured with theirIdols,that they would lavifh gold out of the bag(or they \vaile or fpend riotoufly, as the Hebrew runs)that they might richly deck them up, and let them forth in the greatell glory and bravery. 0, but when the Lord.fhould make a glorious turn upon their fpirits, then they fhou I d readily and roundly deface, defile and difgrace their Idols, then they lhould hare and abhor them, then they fhould fo 'detail and loath them, that in a holy indignation, they fhould call them away as a meriffrous cloth, and fay unto them, get ye hence, pack, be gone, I will never have any more to do with you. And coin that, Ira. 2. '20. in that day (that is, in the day of his people, verr. 17.)