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A choice Bed of Spices. verf. 17.) A man Aid/ Cdfl his idols cf fiiver, and his idols of gold, which they made, each one for himfelf to g orfh ipr to the Moles and to the Bats In the day when God fhould exalt himfelf in the fouls of his people, and before the eyes of his people, they should exprefs fuch difdain and indignation again(} their Idols, that they should not take only thofe made of Trees and Stones; but even their moll precious and costly Idols ; thofe that were made of filver and gold, and call them to the Molts and to the Bats ; that is, they fhould cart them into 1 Each blind holes, and into fuch dark, filthy, naay and dully corners, as Moles make under ground, and as Bats roraft in : So when Chrift, and grace, and holinefs comes to be fet up in mens hearts and lives, then all their darling fins, their bofom lulls, which are their idols of filver, and their Idols of gold, thefe are with a holy indignation call to the Moles and to the Bats,they are fo loathed, abhorred, abandoned and cashiered, that they desire they may be for ever buried in oblivion, and never fee the light more. Idols were Ephraim's bofom fin, Hof. 4. 17. Ephraim is joyned (or glewed, as the word fig,ni- fies) to Idols; let- him alone, But when the dew of grace fell upon Ephraim, as it did, in Chap. 14. 5,-6, 7. Then faith Ephraim what have I any mare to do with Idols? ver. S. Now Ephraim loaths his Idols as much or more than before he lov- ed them, he now abandons and abominates them though be- fore he was as dolly glewed to them as the wanton is glewed to his Dania"), or as the enchanter is glewed to the Devil, from whom by no means he is able to air ; (as the words in the fountain impor ts)When it was th.-. day of the Lords power upon Ephraiin, then Ephraim cryes out, kiihat have I any mare to do with idols ? 0, I have had to do with them too long, and too much already : -0, how cloth my foul now rife againa them ? how do I detell and abhor them ? Surely Lill never have more to do with them. The Scripture tells us, That if father, or mother, or brother, or filler, or kinfman ' or friend, fhould go about to draw a man from God, his hand should firflupon him, to put him to death. Now, bofom fins, complexion fins, they feek to draw a mans heart from God ;,and therefore a gracious foul can't but rife up a- gaina 167 Deut.13.6,7,8,9.