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6 8 A Box of precious Ointment : Or, Ge., Z7. 41. judg. 16. 28. gainit them, and do his bell to lone them, and to be the death of them. 7 he dayes of mourning for my father are at hand (faith bloody Efau) then will 1" flay my brother Jacob ; ('tis a bloudy fpeech of a vindiaive fpirit , whom nothing would fatisfie but innocent blond) So faith the gracious foul, The dayes of mourning for the death of my dear Saviour, are now'at hand, and therefore I will flay my bofom lulls, my conftitution fins; now will I be revenged on them for all the difhonours that they have done to God, and for all the wounds that they have made in my confcience, and for all the "mercies that they have imbittered, and for all the favours that they have prevented, and for all the afliiaions that they have procured, arid for all the duties that they have hindered. Sampfin pleads hard with God, that he might be avenged on the Philiffines.,for his two eves ; and fo cloth the gracious -foul plead hard with God, that he may Eye avenged on his bofom lufls,oii his Com- plexion fins, which h3ve put out his two eyes, which have fo blinded him that he has not for a long time been able to fee ;God, Or Chrift, or the things that belong to his extnal, in- ternal or eternal peace. The next of kin in the Law, was al- , kvayes the avenger of bl9ud, and to him it appertained to ihunt after the murderer, to bring upon his head the innocent 'blood that he had fhed ; if therefore we will fliew our felves brethren or fillers of Chriff, or any thing of kin unto him, \ve muff even be the avengers of his blood upon bofom fins, upon complexion fins ; for, for them as well as others was his blood shed. 0 Sirs! what bofom fin is there fo tweet or profitable that is worth a burning in hell for, or worth a Ihutting out of heaven for ? farely none. This a gracious foul feriouily weighs, and accordingly he Pets himfelf ao ainft the Toad in his bofom, againfl his, darling fins, againfl his complexion fins. But now, unfound hearts are very favoura ble to boforn fins, to complexion fins; they fay of them as Lot of Zoar, Is it not a little one? and my foul /hall live. And as David once faid concerning Abfalom, 2 Sam. i 8. 5. Deal gently for my fake with the young man, even with Abfalom ; be- ware that none touch the young man Abfalom, ver. 12. And the Cingfaid is the young man Abfalom fafe? Ver. 29., An un- found Gai, I,. 2Q.