A choice Bed of Spices. 169 found heart is as fond of his bofom fins, of his complexion fins as Jacob was of his Benjamin, or as Yelnl was of his calves, or as N aaman was of his Idol Rimmon, or as fad& was of bearing the bag, or as Herod was of his Herodias, or as no _ erne- trim was of his Diana, or as the Pharifees were of devouring widows houfes, and of having the uppermoll feats in the Sy- nagogues, and of being faluted in the market places, with thofe glorious titles, Rabbi, Rabbi. The befotted (inner is moil engaged to his bofom fins, his complexion fins, and therefore 'tis as bitter a thing as death for him to part with them ; he had rather part with burnt -offerings and calves of a year old; he had rather part with thoufands of Rams, and with ten thoufand Rivers of oyl; yea, he had rather part with his firm -born, than with his bofom fin ; he is ready to give the fruit of his body, for the fin of his foul. Let God frown or fmile, flroke or ilrike, lift up or call down, promife or threaten, yet he will hide and hold fart his bofom fin ; let God fet life and death, heaven and hell, glory and mifery be- fore him .yet will he not part with his bofom fins; let God Wound his confcience, blow upon his eftate, leave a blot upon his name, crack his credit, afflia his body, write death upon his relations,and be aMagor-mifabib,a terror to his foul, yet will he not let go hiS darling fins. An unfound'heart will rather let God go, and Chrift go, and heaven go, and all goy. than he will let his darling lufls,go : But now a found Ch7-i- than, a throuhgout Chriftian, he fets himfelf moil againft the Dali/ah in his bofom, againit the Benjamin, the fon, the fin of his right hand. A fincere Chriflian looks upon bofom fins upon complexion firs as the moil God-provoking fins ; there are no fins fo provoking to Gods jealoufies and juftice, as bofom fins ; he looks upon bofom fins, complexion El-13, as the molt dangerous fins ; he looks upon bofom fins, com- plexion fins, as the worl} thing in all the world; he looks up on bofom fins, complexion fins, as more ugly and horrid than the devil himfelf, or than hell it felf ; he looks upon bofom fins as the great make-bates between God and his foul, and between his confcience and his comfort ; he looks upon bofom fins as thofe enemies that have provoked God often to 2 King. 5. 18, As 1y. Mat. z3. Mich. 6 6; 7. Job 20. 12, /3. Jer. 19; 4. Ira. 19.1, 2, Lama). ;. 3, 44.;