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T 70 i Pet. Z. 3, 4. Chron. 0.180 Mar. 7. 8. Pfaff. 4t, t, t. Pfal. 63.1, &c. Ifa.f I.& 65.i. John A Box of precious Ointment : Or, to turn a deaf ear ta all his prayers ; he looks upon his bo- fom fins as fo many INdas's that have often betrayed him into the hands of the devil ; he looks upon his bofom fins as the waters of Mara b, that has imbittered all his mercies; he looks upon his bofom fins as the only things that have often clouded the face of God ; he looks upon his bofom fins as dead flies in the box of precious ointment that fpoyls all, and accordingly with all his might he fets himfelf againft them. r. He fights moil againa thefe. 2. He weeps moil over thefe. 3. He watches and arms molt againfit thefe. 4. He prayes moil againfl thefe. 5. He refolves moil againft thefe. And 6. He layes the axe of repentance moil to tilde, &c. But pray Sir, before you dole up this Chapter, lay down fume fure and infallible evidences of the goodnefs, graciouf- nefs and happinefs of their eflates and conditions, who are but weak in grace, who are but babes of grace, that fo they may have their portion, fatisfadion, fupport and confolation as well as others. Aril: I fhall endeavour to do it, and therefore thus. Sixthly, True defires of grace is grace, true defires after Chrift, and grace, and holinefs, is grace; he who does fin- cerely defire to believe, he doestreally believe;' and he that does fincerely defire to repent, he does really repent ; and he that does fincerely defire to obey the Lord, and to fear the Lord, and to ferve the Lord, he does really obey the Lord, and fear the Lord, and ferve the Lord. It is the. firfi flep to grace, for a man to fee his heart void of grace ; and it is the firs} degree of -grace, for a man to defire grace. Mark, all true defires of grace, have the very nature and truth of grace in them. As there is true firein a (park, as well as in a flame, and true water in a drop, as well as in a flream; and true light in a beam, as well as in the Sun, and true gold in the very filings of gold, as well as in the whole wedge of gold ; the leaft of any thing partakes of the nature of the whole, True defires of grace argues a Bate of grace and falvatiou, Pja/. 3 8.9. Lord thooknooef1 41 my defire2 my groaning: is not bid from