if The Ep iftle Dedicatory.. Cataline faycs the Satyriff) a trouble of man. kind grows as the wee4, almoll every where but 4 Bru. tus, a worthy Patriot, that bears the welfare of others, the true profperity of his native Land upon his heart, and lets his eyes perpetually 'thereon for good ; filch an one is a rare jewel, worthy of all honour and embraces where ever he is ound. Men of publick fpirits of all men, do .ref exalt the Lord, and honour the Lord, and therefore the Lord firft or Mei will mofi exalt them and honour them. in all the Ages of the world, and in all the Nations of the world, men of mpfl publick fpirits have been bell beloved, and rnofi highly honoured. 44 man of a narrow {-pick is like the Hedge-hog, that ne- ver gees alroad. but to gather what he can for himfelf, I who ever fuffer ty it ; but a man of-a publick fpirit is like the Pellican that draws out ber own. blood for the Iva of others, and therefore the light of nature as well as the Law of grace, will lead men by the hand to ho- nour fuck. ,-, 4. Doth the Bee gather honey . I Qt it fell ? . DCth the Sheep yield wool for it felt ? Doti. not all creatures ferve the com- munity. Non nobii plum na- ti, i'a1,-1' the Heathen. Feuraly, Men of publick fpirits do moll- and beflt anfwer to one of the nobleft and higheft ends of their creation. By the Law of creation every man is bound to ferve the publick, to ferve his generation. A nar- row, a private fpirited man is a Marne to his Creation; becaufe he walks fo contrary to the great intendment of God in it. 'Tic a bale and unworthy fpirit, for a man to make himfelf the Center of all his actions. The ve- ry Heathen man could fay, That a mans Countrey and his Friends, and others, challenge a great part of him. That man fins aping the very Law of his being, who is fwalloweci up in his on private interefts. Men of publick fpirits lhould not bear the fword of Office