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The EpaleDedicatOry. eLidericesthe livelinefs of their faith, Barnes 2.17. Even fo faith, if it bath not works, is dead being alone. Ver. S. Yea, a man may fay thou haft faith, and I have Works ; chew me thy faith without thy works-,, and I will (hew thee my faith by my works. e'er. 26. For as the lady without the fpirit is dead, fo faith without works is dead alto. 5. There take the frdrefl way, the readieft eagle to afiu-e their own fouls of Gods eternal favours and mercies to -them, I Tim. 6. 17. Charge them that be rich in this world. Ver. i &That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to diftribute, willing to communicate. Vcr. 19. Lay- tAterna rug up in (lore for themfelves a good foundation a- vera vita. Aug. Pailla the time to come, that they may lay hold on 0 eternal life. Charitable chrillians are as wife Merchants, happy tifurers7parting with that which they cannot keep, that they may gain that which they cannot lofe. 6.. 7 hefe take the furefl way to draw down more outward mercies cP ilex. augmented upon themfidver. The fountain is not diminilbed, but by giving water to the thirfly. The widows, oyl did increafe by running ; we do net lofe, but in- _creare our mercies by imparting of them for God's ha- neur,and. the comfort. and benefit of others. Givg ( faith chrig) and it (hail be given to you, good meafure; prefred down,and together, and running over, (hall men give into your, beim. The Jews were large and loofe garments, fo that they could bear away much in I their -bofoms. fence this exprefsion, into your bofom., The meaning. That the Lord will largely reward the beneficence of his people ; yea, that he will fo reward ithem,that they (hall perceive that they are rervarded.Ho- i.nour the Lord with thy fubflance,,fb fhall-ithy Barns P re V 3 p ;;;, be filled with plenty, and thy preffes fhall burft out with Lu't 6. 3 S,