Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

stO :.1tttr+ 10 a Of the appearance of fih. fight Argartents to arm CF. tJe appearances of fin. s d to z 26 Of Affiance. The re , re and evidence of the lea crave, ' lea of the leaf degree of the lea ,graves may afford Foxe meAfgre of tr- fsingis ce 19, so That Cbriflians mom PlfOre ealify attAin v0 4 comfDrtatle afgrance of their ,"dogs eft ate than many (I than ) do apprehend or believe ;Thtsle giy aid f .3, vade 5. to 5.7, Atre is a tkreefold egrarance 27 PerftEtiox f Afgrance;in rerpeti of de- irew 40 Attainable k thte life° X7, AfAranee t not to be enetied by array gXgrAOrdiii4ry Ng, Of RMe14t1011. 59, 6° dfitrance exelodu not all feat dombts,. 4.on drc., 3515. 351i About babes it grace 1(e genemiii, of Cbrj Jost' are brit Bakes ir4 ira, 33153/.4 About changing a tnans conditions godly mar; woes change-his conditi- on with wen of this werid, for ten ;holland, worlds 2,CIO)2,. Ct About chufing. Mo man can chafe ,God and Chrift., grad and Tiory, -bolinefs and Lppi- ners, 41 their chiefeit gocil, int fhfch 7;oho are really food 0%.) to' the comrnands of God He that ba;b refpeEi to Ali cox, mands,fhall 1.4eve7 be 0,1;20?): 40 4 See 0, of Obedience, About heart-condemning, He ,Thole heart dons net condf-xn him, in .1e things, may have confidence to- vards tied. 29, So About confelion of fine Thefecond part of trac repentance !yes in colefeiTion of fir8 ,S37,236 There are eight properties or loalifi ca- tions of trxe penitential iciifeffivN o, 3 9 30 5.5 Of the Covenant of grLce, -6 Wk.:11; a Chri tare cajh 1,,;$ ej,g tiPoN his