Bed cholvoce ,prces. 303 Crofs.God the Father in the Gofpel tenders a whole Chrift ; We preach Chrift Jefus the Lord , and accordingly a fincere Chriflian receives a wholeCh ift,he receives Chriftjefus the Lord ; he fayes with Thomaa, My Lord, and my God ; he takes Chrifi his wifdom as well as for his righteoufnefs, and he takes him for his fanaification as well as for his redemption. An hypocrite is all for a faving Chrift, for a fin, pardoning Chrift, for a foul-glorifying Chrift, but regards not a ruling Chriff, a reigning Chrift, a commanding drill, a fanecify-, ing Chrift, and this at laft will prove his damning fin, John 3. 19120. BLit) Seventhly, An Hypocrite can't mourn for fin as fin, nor grieve for fin as fin, nor hate fin as fin, nor make head ,,againft fin as fin. Mark,to hate fin is not, I. Meerly to refrain from fin, for fo Balaam did, even then when he was tempted to it. z. To hate fin is not meerly to confefs fin, for fo Pharaoh and Itidas did. 3. To hate fin is not meerly to be afraid to fin, for this may be where the hatred of fin is not. 4. To hate fin is not meerly to mourn becaufe of the dreadful effe6ts and fruits that fin may produce, for fo abab did, and the Ninivites did, &c. He that fears fin for hell, fears not to fin but to burn, but he hates fin indeed whofo hates fin as hell it feif. It was a faying of one of the Ancients, That if hell and fin were before him,he would rather fall into hell than fall in- to fin;here was a true hatred of fin indeed.An hypocrite may be troubled-for fin,as it blots his name,and wounds his confci- ence,and brings a fcourge,and defiroys his foul, & fhuts him out of heaven,and throws him to hell,but he is never troubled for fin, he never mourns for fin,he never hates fin becaufe 'tis contrary to the nature of God, the being of God, the Law of God, the glory of God, the defign of God, or becaufe of, the evil that is in the nature of fin, or becaufe of the defiling and polluting power of fin. True hatred of fin is ,univerfal, 'tis of the whole kind ; he who hates a toad becaufe it is a toad, hates every toad ; and he who hates a man becaufe he isj lholy, hates every holy man; and fo he who hates fin beraufe 'us AEks f. 3i. Join 20. sti. 7. Nam. 2z. Fxod. /o.i6. Mat, 17, 4. 1 ADsfline.