A choke Bed of spices. crite he hates force ins, but likes others, he loaths forre but loves others, he oppgfes fome but praelifes others ; like the Angel of the Church of .Epheffrie, that hated the deeds of the Ntcolaitans, but loved lake-warmnefs. Many men &tea Rey, 1. 5, 6. theft that love covetoufnefs, abhor whoredom that like irre- religioufnefs, &c. There 13 no hypocrite under heaven, that can truly fay, I hate every falfe way ; but a fincere Chriaian he hates all finful wages, but his own frit and molt ; an up 1Cngs 1. 18, right heart leaves no neft-egg for Satan to fit on, but the hy- pocrite alwayes does. Mark, in true hatred there are fx things obfervable. First, True hatred includes an extream deteftation ; eve- ry diflike is not hatred, but true hatred is an extream loath- ing : I-haul/mit call them away as a menfirom cloth, thco Alit fay onto it, Get thee hence. In that di?y a man 'hall c4. his idols of flyer, and his idols of gold, which they made each one fr himfe f to oorflip,to the Moles and to the Bats. Their detefIation fhould be fo great, that they ihould call their molt cooly idols of fiver and gold, into the molt dark, nally, daffy corners ; to teflifie the fincerity of their converfion to God, they should hate and abhor, abandon and abolifh their geld and flyer idols which they valued above all others. Secondly, True hatred includes an earneft feparation. He that hates his fin would fain be feparated from his fin For `Ire that are in this taternacle do groan Icing hardened. A fincere Chriaian finds no burden to lay fo heavy and weighty upon his fpirit as fin, and therefore he groans to be delivered from it. In the Law, he that hated his Wife did fue out a bill of divorce from her. He that truly hates i:n, puts in many a i bill into the Court of Heaven , that he may be for ever di vorced from his fin. Thirdly, True hatred includes an irreconcilable aliena- tion. He that hates fin, has his heart for ever alienated from fin ; he who hates fin, can never be one with fin. Two angry R r -men Ira 3,:). tz. Chap. t. to. 2, z Cor. 5;4. amt. 24. 3.