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The Conteritt., when 4 chriflians evidences Jbine brightelb hie heart and the eye of his faith t.4 to be mil firmly fixed upon three Royal Forts. 356, 357) 358 (5" 374) 375, 376, 377)&c F Of Chriftians fully. Eight Arguments to fey the folly' of fuch fincere Chriflians , who make their condition worfe than 'tis. 51, Of forfaking of fin. Thereis a fourfold forfaking of ph. 28 Of Free-grace. when a Chriflians evidences are either clear or blotted,' it highly concerns him to be fill a living upon free- for he may have grace, and yet not know it. 13 /, 82 He that prizes the lea'? dram of grace above ten thousand thoiefand worlds, certainly that man has true grace in bin. 200 Tis the wifdom, and ought to be the work of every Chriflian to rpm the lea/i mea- fiere of grace that is in him, though it be mixed and mingled with many weakneffes e, infirmities. 332, 333 -- to 57 'Lis the wifdons, and fhould be the work, graced, 356,357)358)359 G Of Grace and Graceg.. Where there is any owe grace in truth, there is everygretce in truth 7,8,9 The fenfe and evidence of thtleaft grace, yen of the le41 degree of the 14 grace, may afford force meafeere of af- furnnee. ,18,19,20 of every Chrtfitan, to /or upon all his graces and gracious evidettes, 'as favours given him from above, ai gifts dropt cut of heaven into hit heart, 44 flowers of Paradife fluc in his to- fon by a divine' hand. 3,33,3 34 335 Then you look upon your graces in the light of the fpirit, it highly concerns you to look narrowly to it, that ycu don't renounce and rejeEl your graces as weak and worthlefs evidences of your intereft in Chrift,&c. 335, 336,337 The fpirit does four things in refteEt of Our graces 348 Probabilities of grace may be a great Chriflians mays afely rejoyq in their flay, fupport and comfort to poor Chri- ftians that want affurance ; probabili- ties of grace are mercies mire worth than ten thonfand worlds. This is made good by ten Arguments. 6o, to 65 graces. 349,35°051 The more grace any man hath, the more clear, the more fair, the 'mire the more fweet,will his evidences be for heaven, ere. 37 8, 379, 3 SO, 381, 382 Six confiderable things about probabili- when your graces are firongefi, and your ties of grace. 65.,46,67,69,69 evidences for heaven are clearefi., and If a Chrifitan can't fay he has grace, your comforts rife bigheig,- thenin 4 yet he fhoteld not fay he has no grace ; fpecial manner it concerns you to make