3o6 A Box preci0#1 Olistigent - Or, Lawyers often fall out at the Bar,but are ve- ry well agreed when-they meet at the Tavern. 4. Gal. 5. r Kom.7,2,2,343. then may made friends, but if two men hate each other, all frienselfhip is everlaflingly broken betwixt them. A man may be angry with fin, and yet made friends with fin again ; but if once he comes to hate his fin, then all friendfhip with fin is everlaflingly broken. When Chrift and the foul comes to be really one, then fin and the foul comes to be everlaft- ingly two, &c.. - Fourthly, True hatred includes:a conftant and. perpetual confii ; the flefh will be Dill. lulling againft the fpiiit, and the fpirit againfl the flefh. Though fin and grace were not born together, and though fin and grace thall never die,to- b °ether yet whilft a believer lives in this world, they,muft live together ; and whilff fin and grace do cohabit together, they will (Till be oppofing and-confliaing one with' another., That man that truly hates fin, will everlaflingly conflia with fin, he will die fighting againft his fins as one of the Dukes of Venice died fighting againil his enemies with his weapons in his hand. Well Chriitians, remember this, Though to be kept from fin brings molt peace and comfort to us, yet for us to oppofe fin, and for God to pardon fin, that brings glory to-God; 2 Cr. 12, 7, 8, Fifthly, True hatred includes a deadly intention and de-, firuaion ;for nothing fatisfies hatred but death and ruin. Said ISarn,2,6419i hated DaVid, and-fought his life ' he hunted him up,and dbwn b 2°. as a Partridoe in the mountains, he left no Bone unturn'd,nor 01.7:1143: 13' no means unattempted, whereby he might revenge himfelf upon David. 11,41Mal hated 111brctecail and nothing would fa- tisfie him but 'td bring him to a fhameful death, to fee him hang'd on a gallows fifty cubits high(which was deli gn'ci faith Lyra, to putMordecai to-the greater fhame, for he hanging high every one might fee him and point to him) Now 'when there was but one night betwixt Mordecai and a fharneful death) divine providence opportunely firook in and laved h in from Harn-arei malice, and caufed the mifchief which he had plotted againft /11ordec4i, faddenly to fall upon this own pate ;