.111111MOIONIMIl..0.1.11M11.411, chota,Red,cf Spices. pate ; for he who was highly feailed with the King one day, was made, a feaft for crows the next day. AbAons hated Amnon and )killed him. Talian the Apoftate hated the Chri- flians with a deadly hatred, he put many thoufands of them to death, and threatned and vowed that at his return from fighting againit the Perfians he would put all the Chriflians in his Empire to the fword, but God prevented him, by cut- ting him off in that expedition. A Chriflian that hates fin, can't be fatisfied but in the death and deftruaion of it ; in all his duties the language, of his foul is, Lord, let my fins be ideltroyed, whoever efcapes Lt not my fins efcape the hand- ' of thy revenging juflice : And in all Ordinances the langu- age of his foul is, 0 Lord! when fhall my fins be fubdued and mortified, when than my cuffed corruptions be brought to an under? yea, when ihall they all be drowned in the Red- ISea of my Saviours bloud, &c. 11 Sixthly, True hatred includes an impartial averfation, 6. 'true hatred is of the whole kind ; but of this before. To 'wind up all, ask thy heart what is it that thou abhorrefl as the fuperlative evil ? what is that which thou wouldft have feparated as far from thee, as heaven is from hell ? what is that thy heart will never renew league or friendthip with any more? what is that againfl which thy foul doth rife, and with which (as Ifrael with Ansalek) thou wilt have war for ever ? 'Exoi. ii; 16. what is that which thou wilt be avenged of,and daily dolt en- deavour the mortifying and crucifying of? what is that which thou fetteft thy heart againft in the comprehenfive latitude thereof, whether great or little, open or fecret ? if it be fin, if it be thy fins, if it be all thy fins, then affuredly here is a true hatred of fin, and affuredly here is a molt diflinguifhing chara6er of 4 child of God, of a found converfion, and of a faving change. It was not wont to be thus with thee, nor' Judge r 4. 3)1. is this findable in any hypocrite, or in any unconverted per- fon upon the face of the earth ; fin was once to the as D4.- z c am. 13. 15. !Utah to Sanspien, butflow it is to the as Tamar to Amnon ; once it was a fweet morfel which thou heldit faft and wouldf} Job zo. 12013. not let it (7o but nowit is the menftruous cloth which .thou , 3 a. o. R r z - Catlett ,. Sam. 13. 22.2 38,19) 30, 31, 32)33'