8 Hoi 1 4 S. A Box of ethits Ointment iOr, caftefl away, faying, Get thee hence : Nov with Ephraim thou cryefl out, what have Ito do any mere with Idols? 0, if it be indeed thus with thee, then thou hail caufe for ever to be much in bleifing, and in admiring of the Lord for his chain- guifhimg grace and favour towards thee. 0 Sirs ! the world 13 full of baits, fnares and temptations, but v, hula the hatred Of fin burns in your breafls, you may call up your caps, and throw the Gantlet to the world,the fleth and the devil.Well, remember this for ever, There are three things an hypocrite can never do. 1. He can never mourn for fin as En. 2. He can rev mourn for the fins of others as well as his o,vn. Mufei, Lot, David, Jeremiah, Pa.,d, and thole in that, Ez,ek. 9.4, 6. mourned for ethers fins as well as their own ; but ?haroah, Ahab, 'Judas, Demers, Simon 114:4:gim never did. 3 .He can never hate fin as fin. But, 8. x Car. S John 7, 9. 3 4. Eighthly, No hypocrite is habitually low or little in his own eyes, no hypocrite has ordinarily mean thoughts of him- felf, or a poor efleem of himfelf ; no hypocrite loves to 49. 411 leffen himfelf to greaten Chrifl,, to debafe himfelf to exalt ; no hypocrite loves to be out-fhin'd, all hypocrites love to write an I (not a Chrifl) upDn what they do. The Pharifee flood and prayed thus with himfelf, God 1 thank thee, that I am nit as other men are, extortioners, unjuli, adulte- rers, or even as this 'Publican ; 1 fall twice in the week, I give tythes of all that I pl-efs. All hypocrites (land not only upo3 their comparifon-, but alto upon the difp,arifons ; I am nit as this Publican. All hypocrites fland much upon their nega- tive righteoufnefs, and their comparative goodnefs. There is no hypocrite in the world, but fets down his penny for a pound, and alwayes prizes himfelfabove the Market, 2 Kings I 0. I 5,16. And when he was departed thence, he lighted on Je- honadab the fon of Rechab, coming-to meet him, and he faluted `him,-and Paid to him, Is thine heart right as my heart is with thy heart? and Jehonadab anfppered, it is; if it le, give me thine hand, and he gave him his hand,and he took him op to him into his chariot; and hefaid, come with me, and fee my zeal for the Lord. Comets make Luke 18.11,12 Munday and Thurfday were the Pharifees fading dayes, bec aLfe atores went up to the Mount on a Thurfday, and came down on a Munday, faith Drxfitm.