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A Atoiet g ent of Spices make a greater blaze than fixed .Stars; Come fee my ec,eal for the Lord. Jehu his words were for the Lord, but his projeet was for the kingdom. The Actor in the Comedy Paid with his mouth, 0 ca (0 heaven) but with his finger he pointed to the earth. Lapidaries tell us of a flone called the Chely- donian Bone, that it will retain its vertue no longer than it is enclofed in gold ; a fit emblem of an hypocrite, of a Phu. felm made a great blaze, but he was but a Comet. An hypo- crite alwayes loves the praife of men more than the praife of God, he loves more to be honoured by men than to be ho- noured by God. How can ye believe which receive honour one of an)iher,andfeeknot the howler which cometh from Cj 3d only. No- thing below that power which railed ChM} from the grave, can make an hypocrite purely nothing in his own eyes. An hypocrite is alwayes a great thing in his own eyes, and when he is nothing, a great nothing in others eyes, he can't bear it. An hypocrite can't endure to be out- fhin'd in gifts, in gra- ces, in experiences, in duties, in communion with God, in fpiritual enjoyments. An hypocrites heart is full of pride, when his deportment is molt humble ; he alwayes thinks belt of himfelf and worft of others, he looks upon his own vices as graces, and he looks upon other miens graces as vices, or at leaft, as no true currant coyn. A proud fpirit will call difgrace uponthat excellency that himfeif wants, as Licinim who was joyned with Galerim in the Empire, he was fo igno- rant that he was not able to write his own name ;, he was a Litter enemy to learning, and as Egfebim reports of him, he called the liberal Arts a publick poyfon and peiblence. The emptieti barrels makes the loud& found, the worIt metal the greaten noife, and the light& ears of corn hold their heads higheft. An hypocrite may well lay his hand upon his heart, and fay, is it not fo with me ? is it not juft fo with me ? But now fincere Chriltians;they are men of another fpi- rit, of another temper, of another mettle, of another mind, their heartslye low, when their gifts, and graces, and fpiri- mai enjoyments are high. Abraham is but dna and allies in his own eyes. The higher any man is in his communion with God, A aims the Poet, though he were a Dwarf, yet would be plait- red tall na- ture. The ap- plicai on to the hypocrite is eafie.