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lin daft and alhes. This expreilion is the deepefi act of abhor- rency ; abhorrency flri6tly taken, is hatred wound up to the height. 1 abhor my felf. The Hebrew word that is zendred abhor, fignifies to reje6t, to difdain, to contemn, to call Ah, fayes vol', I abhor my felf, I reject my fell, I difdain my fell, I call off my felf, I have a very vile and bale &am of my fern David waS a man of great integrity, a man after Gods own heart, and yet he looks upon himfelf as a Flea ; and what is more contemptible than a Flea ? And as he looks up- on himfelf as a Flea, fo he looks upon- himfelf as a worm ; am a gorm and no man. The Hebrew word np',In rolagnath, that is here rendred a worm, fignifies a very little worm which breedeth In fcarlet, a worm that is fo little, that a man can; hardly perceive it. A worm is the moll defpicable creature in the world,trampled under foot by man and beans; he who was in God's eye a man after his own heart, is in his own eye but a defpicable worm, A fincere Chriflian is a lit- tle, little nothing in his own eyes: So Paul who had been caught up into the third heaven, and learned his divinity among the Angels, as one fpeaks ; and had fuel) glorious Revelations as could not be uttered, yet he accounts himfelf lefs than the leaft of all Saints, Eph. 3. 8. Unto the gho am lefs than the leaft of all Saints. The Greek is a comparative made of a fuperlative, lefs than the leaft of all Saints is a double diminutive, and fignifies leffer than the leafl, if leffer might be, (not that any thing can be lefs than the leaft) Paul's rhetorick doth not crofs drift otle s Philofo- phy the original word being a double diminutive ; his mean- ing is, that he was as little as could be, therefore he put him- felf down fo little, as could not be lefs than the leaf". Here you have the greateft Apoftle defcending down to the loweft ftep of humility ; great Pas/ is leaft of Saints, hit of the Apoffles, and greatefl of (inners., So PeterDepart from me, for 1-am a finful man, 0 Lord ; or as the Greek runs, A man, a (inner, a very mixture and corn- pound of'dirrandfub.a .leer bundle of vice and vanity, of folly King. 15. 5. I Sam, 2,6. zo Pat 12. 6. chrilofion. Vide Eflius, Be ,am, &c. ajI I Tim. I, 15. Luke 5.8. vnQ 43:Lcicei loy\ ,