A Box of precious Ointment : Or folly and iniquity. So Luther, I have no other name than firmer ' firmer is my name, fanner is my firname, this is the name by which I ihall be alwayes known - I have tinned, I do fin, I dull fin in infinitum, faith Luther ?peaking vilely and barely of himfelf. Lord, I am hell, and thou art heaven, faid b'efled Hooper, I am a moil hypocrital wretch, not worthy that the earth Ihould bear me, faid blefl'ed Bradford. Thus you fee by there feveral inflances, that fincere Chriflians do as it were take a holy pleafure and delight to debate, humble and villifie themfelves. But this is a work hypocrites are meer ftrangers to ; there is not an hypocrite under heaven that loves to debate, himfelf, or that makes it his duty con= fcientioufly to villifie and leffen himfelf, that Chrift may be fet up above all. Humility is a grace hardly attained unto. Many (faith one) can more eafily give all they have to. thp poor, than themfelves become poor in fpirit. But, Ninthly, No hypocrite will long hold out in the work and wayes of the Lord, in the want of outward incouragements, and in the face of outward difcouragements. Ali hypocrite is an Apoflate cafed , and an Apoltate is an hypocrite un- cafed, job 27. ver. 8. For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God f hall take away his foul ? Ver. I o. will he delight himfelf in the Almighty? will he alwayes callup- on God? Or, as the Hebrew runs, Will he in every time call upon God ? It may be he may-formally call on. God in time of profperity ; but can he ferioufly do it in time of adverfi- ty ? Sometimes when the rod is upon them, then they will Ira, 26. 16. pour out a prayer to God; in their ojflielion they will feels me earthly. When he flew them, then they [ought him, and they re- Hof' 5' turned and enquired after God. But this was not the {landing Pfal. 78, 34; frame of their hearts. Ver. 36. Neverthelefs, they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lyed unto him with their tongues. Ver. 41.. For their heart was not right with him, neither were Exa.f x.0717. theyftedfaft in his Covenant.WhenPharoah was upon the wrack, -Va.' 9,1o. he could roar out a confeffion, and eameftly cry out for , a prayer bat when the judgment was removed, Pharoah was, act