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ONIMIOsamiewO. choice Bed of Spices. as proud, and hard, and blind as ever. When Adonlj->h was in danger of death, then he could hang on the horns of the Altar. When Ahab was threatned with utter defolationithen he could fait and lye in fackcloth ; and fo did the Ninivites : But all this was but like Ephraim and Judah's goodnefs, that as a morning cloud, and as the early dew paffeth away. Will the hypocrite alwayes, or in every time call upon God ? will the hypocrit call uponGod as often as providence calls him to call upon God ? will be call upon God as often as judgments call him to call upon God ? will he call upon God as often as confcience calls him to call upon God? will he call upon God ass,ften as 'tis his duty to call upon God? will he call upon God as often as others call upon him to call upon God ? Oh no. The hypocrite will not alwayes call upon God, he will not perfevere in prayer, he will not hold on, nor hold out in prayer, he is Ihort fpitited, he can't alwayes pray and not faint, or shrink back as sluggards do in work, or cowards in war, as the original word in Luke imports. An hypocrite for want of an inward principle, can neither delight in God, nor alwayes call upon God. If God comes not at his call, if he opens not as loon as he knocks, he is out of patience, and ready to fay with that proud prophane Prince ; Behold, this evil it of the Lordland what Amid I wait for him any longer? If any hypocrite obtains the mercy he defires,then he will throw off prayer ; as he faid, Take awalt the net, the fifh is caught; if he obtains not the mercy, then he will grow weary of his duty. Thom hat been weary of me, 0 Ifrael. Prayer is too hard and too high a work for an unfound heart to hold on in ; prayer is heart-work, and that proves heavy work to him. The foul of prayer lyes in the pouring out of the foul before God, and this is a work that . an hypocrite has no skill in. It was a prophane and blafphemous fpeech of that Atheillical wretch, that told God he was no common beggar, he never troubled hiin before with prayer, and if he would but hear him that time, he would never trouble him again : Even fuch a fpirit and fuch principles lye lurking in every hypocrites breaft. Doubtlefs he'hit it. who 1.aid, How canft thou expel Sc that 313 tKing,L5o,5t Jonah3. Luke 1-g; 2, Kings 6.33. Mil.,x; 13. Sam. 1. IS.