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3.14, vcr. 2 9-. ;Lit God Jhouldhe,lr thee, when thoi gilt not hear thy felf ? or that tteat tkil asbeli in prdyer ?_ But now a fincere Chrittian he will God figniti give tkee.a retorn in prayer, when thorn -art not mindfal cyprian _de ora- tione Dominica. n=1.116.152, , Geri, 3 a ,a 4, to . : . go on in prayer,, fpeed or not (peed; if he prevails he will. 'Mat.3,-4, love prayer the better all his dayes, if 11,-:. don't for the pre- at. 1 5-12-t° fent prevail, he \vill be fo much the more importunate with ver. z8. God in prayer :, 'Tis as natural for a bird to live without Air ) and for a fifli to live without water, and for a man to live without food, as 'tis for a lincere heart to live without prayer. 0, faith Cioryfiftom, it is more bitter than death to be Dan. 6. licyleci of prayr. And hereupon (as he 6:Tferves)Danie/ chofe Prayer clavis isporta pa- rather to Jun the hazard of his life, than, to lofe or give over ladi g, the feat eati his private prayers. Prayer is the key of heaven, and a ln. ;of heaven, a .key to let us into par ad i re. A Box of precious Ointment Or, z Pet. z. to, II) 22. 2. Tirn. G. cere Chrillian loves much to be a handling of that key, though he thould dye for it. As that Emperor faid, Oportet Imperatorem fiantem rnori,Tt behoves an Emperor to dye 'land- 111g So may I fay, Oportet Chriftianaim mot' pracitntenal It bs:hoves a Chritlian to dye praying. An hypocrite will never hold out to the end ; let but outward incouragements fail him, and his heart will quickly fail him in a way of duty. Hypocrites are like blazing Stars, which fo long as they are fed with vapours, thine as if they, were fixed Stars ; but let the vapours dry up, and prefently they vanith and difappear let but the eye,the ear,the applaufe of men fail the hypocrite, and he will be ready to threw up all. If an hypocrite can't make Come gain of his godlinefs, fome profit of his protec- tion, fome advantage of his Religion, he will be ready with. Demulto turn his back upon all religious duties and Cervices. Look,as a lame horfe,when he is heated will go well enough, but when he cools will halt down right; even fo an hypocrite, though for a time he may go on fairly in his way, yet in the end he will halt down right, & bid farewel(if not defiance)to all religious duties and Cervices : Profit and applaufe are ufually the baits that hypocriteshite at,and if they mifs thefe baits, then farewel profetTion, farewel Religion, farewel all. John 6. 66. From that time many of bit Dijciplei went back and w4lked no more xith him.. Many hypocrites who had given up their