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mlke t ;No. jreatkhiinefi ant; pork,t upon his heart. 301,206 ,2c7,08 faith afir*ih the free floriotss grace of God, and Loa Chrift, 382, 3.0384,38 Of t. e hared ©f fin, fkn Hypfc7-°te can't hate fin wfin. 3°3) 3°4,3°5 Frye hatred of in includit fi4 thirigs.1 30 S) 3061307,308 'of the hew, and ©f keeping ©f it -t where .the confiant flanding frame of mans Not, d'efires and endeavours arefer for God, C brifi, Grace, Ho- linels, there is a rnof fAire and in- fallible work of God sipin that man foilL 117,7.18,1a9,3o,13i,13 graciosss heart it°. an uniform kear 167,162,1(53,164 f7aciota heart fets himrelf osiofi 4=, gain 1.2 darting fin, h bopm cpgionfin&c r64, g 6 5, 166,i 6768,169,17o tbar has given sip his heart and life to the Authority and Govern- -mem of Chri ft, he has a framing pork of God Apon him, 203, 204 at mass that pill cleave to Chrift pith foil prpole of heart, that man Jail certainly be laved, 2042.2 That man that makes it Us princi, care, his main insfinefs, his pork of rks to look to his heart, to watch hss rti to reform his:heart, that man .omistiefs bath: fay.ingoork of god 309,ao n peayes jkereing bora men fhoisid keep their hearts .10,21. ..,.2 i t,2,13 214, z.15,gx 6 There are many that are great ftrangers to their ch.;'n hearts, 339 Or ypocr-ites® rft, an Hypocrites infide is never an-, foirable to his otorlide,, An Hypocrites infide is one thing) and his 9stfide another thing. 2437,18S Secondly, no illyptitrite loader heaven is 4tally dko-feed from the love and liking of every kroamjin,, 3,88,;2 89,, 29* t9A hirdly, an Hypocrites hear: es never throsighly fit lidised to illu;gneft to perform all krtoondssties,. ; 2931 rthly, There is never a ;; Hypocrite in the world, that makes Goel C krift, or holinefi,or his doing or re- .6eiving good in his Station, Relation, or Generation, hiS grand end hiyheft end, ha ulamate end of living in 0 4 irorld, 294 295, a96 397 Fifthly, no liyfocrite p;nder heaven can live wholly and only upon the right:- oufnefs of eirifi, the fatisfaOion of Chriii, the merits of Chret, fifr jum fsfication andia/vation 49711"-982 1933 go Sixtbl an Hypocrite never embraces a hole C hrifi, he can never take up his ful:' rift, fatisfaCtion and content in the perfin of Chriii:t in the merits of Chrifi, in the enjoyment of C Alone