A Box vf precious Ointment : Or, their fpiritual fairtief,;, clearnefs and fweetnefs long, but by degrees will grow brackifh and fait, and lofe their names, and all that feeming goodnefs and fweetnefs that once feemed to be in them. But now :a fincere Chriflian he will hold on, and hold out in the wayes of the Lord in the want of all outward incou- ragements ' and in the face of all multiplyed difcourage- mews. When the eye Of men, the favour of men, the boun- ty of men, and all other encouragement from men fails, yet then a fincere Chriflian will hold up, and hold on in his work Job 17t and way. The righteous 'hall hold on his gay, and he that bath clean hands fhall be fironger and ftronger. The righteous man fhall go on in a way of righteoufs to the end, no multiplyed calamities or miferies fhall ever work him to decline the way of righteoufnefs. From this way a fincere Chriffian will never be withdrawn, either by any hopes or advantages on the one hand, or by any fears or dangers on the other Sincere Chriflians have not taken up Religion on fuck flight grounds, as to be either flattered or frighted out of it ; fin- Joh.' 6Iiit. cere Chriftians reckon upon affli&ions, temptations, croffes, ikas loges, reproaches on the one hand, and they reckon upon a s Tim. 4. s,, crown of life, a crown of righteoufnefs, a crown of glory'on the other hand, andhereupon they fet up their Raft, fully re- folving never to depart from the good old way wherein they have found refit to their fouls. sincere Chriflians take Chrift and his wayes for better for worfe, for richer for poorer, in profperity and adverfity, they refolve to Child or fall, to fuffer and reign, to live and die with him. When all outward incouragements from God fhall fail, yet a fin- cere Chriflian will keep clofs to his God, and clofs to his &- IRO. 3. ay. ty. although the fig-tree fhall not bloffom, neither 'hall fruit be in the vines, the labour of the Olive [hall fail, and the fields fhall yield no meat, the flock Jhall be cost of from the fold, and there (hall be no herds in the flails ; yet I will rejoyce in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my falvation. When all neceffary and delightful mercies fail, yet he will not fail in his duty ; though God with-hold his bleffings, yet he will not with-hold his fervice in yes. 6. 36.*