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A choice Bed of Spices. in the want of a livelihood, he will be lively in his duty ; when he bath nothing to fubfia by, yet then he will live up- on his God, and joy in his God, and keep clofs to his God. Though war and want come, ,yet he will not be wanting in his duty. Mark, there are three things in a fincere Chrittian that will strongly encline him to keep clofs to the Lord, and clofs to his wayes in the want ()fall outward incouragements, and in the face of all outward difcouragernents-: And the full is a forcible principle., Divine Love ; the fecond, is a migh- ty aid, the Spirit of God and the third is a high- aim, the Glory of God. Look, as Ruth kept dais to her mother in the want of all outward incouragements, and. in the face of all outward difcouragements ; And Ruth laid, whither thou goefl I will go, and where thou lodge 1 will lodge, and nothing but death Jhallpart thee and me. So faith a fincere Chaim, I will take my lot with Chrift were ever it falls ; I will keep clofs to the Lord, and clofs to my duty in the want of all outward incouragements, and in the face of all outward difcourage- merits. Though outward incouragements be fometimes as a, fide wind, Or as oyl, or as chariot wheels, means to move a Chriftian to go on more fweetly, eafily and comfortably in the wayes of God, yet when this wind (hall' fail, and thefe chariot wheels fhall be knockt off, a fincere Chriftian will keep clofs to the Lord and his wayes. All this come upon Ns; yet have we not forgotten thee, neither have we dealt falfly in thy co- venant ; Our heart is not turned back, neither have eur fieps declin- ed from thy wayes. But what do they mean by faying, All this t come upon Its? Why that you may fee in the foregoing part of the Pfalrn. Thou haft raft us off, and put us to fhame, and pelt not forth with our armies ; thou nukeft us turn back from the enemy, and they which hate us fpoyl for thetufelves ; thou- haft given us like /beep appointed for meat, and haft fcattered us among the heathen 5 rhouftlleft thy people for nought, and daft not increafe thy wealth by their pt ice ; thou makefi us a reproach to our neighbours, a fora and derifion to them that are round about as ; thou makeft us a by-word among the heathen, a /baking of the head among the people. An- tioch:0 Eiipbanes lookt upon the Jews Religion as fuperfli- tion ; his wrath and-rage was exceeding great, both againft the i Cor. 5. 14. vii.4.1 204. Komi 14.7,8. R117111.16,17. Pfal, 44.'1730 Verr.9,TO, I) 11, 13, 14. The Jews fold Chrift for thirty pence, and the Romans fold thirty of them for a penny, as /ofe. phut relates.