318 A Box_ of recious Ointment : Or, Mich, 45 5. the Jews, and againfi their Religion ; he praaifed all man- ner of cruelty upon the miferable Jews, but yet there was a remnant among them, who were faithful to the Lord, and to his. Covenant, and to his Laws, and to his wayes, even to the death ; though in the time of the Maccgbees many revolted. to Paganifm, yet fome maintained their conflancy and inte- grity to the laft. That is a .great word of the Prophet Mi cah. For all people will walk every one in the name of his God,' and we will nalkin the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever: This abfolute and peremptory refolution to be really the Lord's, -and for ever the Lord's, is of the effence of true converfion. 'Tis not the world's flatteries that can bribe off a fincere Chriftian from the wayes of God ; nor 3tis not the worlds frowns that can beat off a fincere Chriftian from the wayes of God : , But an hypocrite will never, an hypocrite can never hold it out to the end_; his ground-tackle will ne- ver hold when the Dorm beats ftrong upon him. An hypo- crite is hot at hand, but foon tires and gives in. But, Mae. If Li Mark 7. 6. The Fox when caught in a gin, looks pitifully, but it is only to get out. They woifhipped the Lord as the [i- dious do the ,devil, that he may do them no hurt. 1droN., Tenthly, No hypocrite ever makes it his bufinefs , his work to bring his heart into religious duties and fervices; never makes confcience of bringing his heart into his work. An hypocrite is heartlefs in all he does, Pfal. 78, 34. When he flew them, then they fought him ; and they returned and enquired early after God. Ver. 36. Nevertheltfi, they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lyed unto him with their tongews. Ver. 37. For their heart was not right with him, neither were they ftedgi in ht.4 Covenant. All lip-labour is but loft labour : When mens hearts are not in their devotion, their devotion is meer diffimulation. Thefe hypocrites fought God, and enquired early after God, but it was Dill with old hearts, which are no hearts in the account of God : They made lip work of it, and head-work of it but their hearts not being in their work, all was loft, their feeking loit,their enquiring loft, their God loft, their fouls loft, and eternity loft, Hof. 7. 14, And they have not cried unto me' with their hearts, when they howled upon their beds. When Mess hearts are not in their prayers, all their pray-.