320 A Box of precious Ointment : Or, but I thank God it is that I mourn under and Itrive againft. 2,chron, How ferioufly and deeply did good Hez.ekiah humble himfelf s" 3 ".2- for the pride of his heart ; out of the eater came meat, out of , his pride he gat humility. Chron. 17.6. ['Cal, 86. 1 z. 24-9. 4, y, 6' it is reported, that vhen the y rant Trajane commanded ig- fleititif to be rips St unbowelled, they found je- fus Chrift writ- ten upon his heart in chara- &cis of gold; here was a heart worth gold, That's the golden Chriftian in- deed, whofe heart is writ upon all his duties and ler- ViCOS. 0 Sirs ! A fincere Chriftian makes it his great bufinefs to get his heart into all his Religious duties and fervices, to bet'; his hart into every way and work of God. f ehofbaphats heart was listed up in the wayes of the Lord. So David, I' le praife thee, 0 Lord, with all my heart. And fo Pfai. 119.7. /mit pr:d le thee with oprightneft of heart. Ver. to, With my whole- Lan have I fonght thet. So jehofhaphat he fought the Lord with all his heart, if#06. 8. The defire of our foil is to thy name, anti vth: remembrance of thee. Verf. 9. With my foul have I defined thee in the night ; Fa, with my fpirit ;sublime will I fee& thee ear- l). Limen. 3. 41. Let 00 lift up our heart with or hands unto G din the heavens. Rom. 1.9. For God is my witnefs, whom I ferve 4ith mynirit in the Gofpel of his Son. Pas very fpirit, his very foul was in his fervice. Phil. 3. 3. For we are the cir- cmmtifim which worfhip God in the fpirit, and rejoyce in Chrili le fie4, and have rio confidence in the fie . R0111. . 2,4 I deligh in the Law of god after the inward man. Ver. s5. With the mind I any felf ferve the Law of God. A fincere Chriftian is al- wayes belt when his heart is in his work ; and when he can't get his heart into his duties! Oh, how does he figh,and groan,, and complain, and mourn at the foot of God? Lord ! my tongue has been at work, and my head has been at work, and my parts have been at work, and my eyes and hands have been at work, but where has my heart been this day ? Oh, it is and mull be fora fore and fad lamentation, that I have had fo little of my heart in that fervice that I have tendered tp thee! This is the daily language of an upright heart. Bu now all the work of an hypocrite, is to get his golden part into his duties, and his Culver tongue into his duties, and his nimble head into his duties ; but he never makes confcience of getting his heart into his duties. If any beafts facrificed. by Heathens (who ever Iookt narrowly into the intrails) was found without a heart, this was held ominous, and conftrued as