A choke Bed of Spices. felf in the. Lord. 5. The itream, cream, and flrength of an hypocrites delight runs out to himfelf, and to this lull or that, to this relation or thar,to this creature-comfort or that, to this worldly enjoyment or that,or elfe to arts, parts, gifts, priviledges, &c. and therefore how can he delight himfelf in the Almighty ? An Hypocrite alwayes terminates his de- light in fomething on this fide God, Chrift and Heaven. Look, as the Apricock-tree, though it leans againft the wall, yet it is fait rooted in the earth ; fo though an hypocrite may lean towards God, and towards Chrift, and towards heaven, yet his delight is {till rooted fait in one creature-comfort or another, &c. God nor Chrift is never the adequate objeek of an hypocrites delight. An hypocrite is never principled to delight himfelf in a holy God, neither can he cordially, divinely, habitually, delight himfelf in holy duties. An hy- pocrite may reform many evil things, and he may do many good duties, and yet all this while it is only his prthtifes, bat not his heart or principles that are changed and altered. M ark, though an hypocrite bath nothing in him which is ef- fential to a Chriftian as a Chriftian, yet he may be the corn- pleat refetnblance of a Christian in, all thofe things which are not effential to him. An hypocrite in all the externals of Religion, may be the compleat piEtare of a fincere Chrifti- an ; but then if you look to his principles, and the manner of his managing of holy duties, there you will find him lame and defe&ive,and as much unlike a fincere Chrittian, as ever Micbes Image was unlike to David ; and this will prove the great crack , the great break-neck of hypocrites at Mt. 323 Mark 6, 0 Sirs ! It is confiderable, that outward motives and na- tural principles have carried many Heathens to do many great and glorious things in the world. Did not Sifera do as I great things as Gideon r the difference did only lye here, that the great things, which Gideon did, he did from more fpiritual principles and railed confederations; than any Sifera was aa- ed by. AnC did not Diogenes trample under his feet the great and ,glorious things of this world, as well as Moles ? The T t 2 diffe- Heb. r i;