324 'ROM.? I. 2.4. Elek. 36. 25. jer. 31. 33. iltotn. 3.5. Cor. 5. 19. 2, Pet. a. 4. Eph. 3. I 7, Cor. 13. 5, A Box of precious Ointment Or, differente did only ly in this, that NIA es trampled under his feet the gay and gallant things of this world, from inward gracious principles, viz... faith, love, & c. and from high and glorious confiderations, viz. heaven, the giro? of God, &c, whereas Diogenes did only trample upon them from poor low principles, and from meer outward, carnal, external confiderations, The favour of men, the eye of men, the commendations of men, the applaufe of men, and a great name among men, were golden apples, great things among the Philofophers. The application is eafie, Mark, A fincere Chriftian,he looks to the manner as well as to the matter of his duties, he ads and performs duties, not only from firength of parts and acquired qualifications , but from firength of grace and infufed habits ; he acts from God and for God, he acts from a new heart, he aels from the Law written in his heart, he ants from the love of God filed' abroad in his heart, he aols from the divine nature commu- nicated to him, he aas from the fpirits in-dwelling in his heart; he aols from the fear of God eflablifhing his heart.1 Thefe be the fprings and principles of a fincere Chriftians fpiritual life and anions ; and where they aek and bear rule, it is no wonder if fuch motions and performances as the world may admire but not imitate. Swill life (after his con- verfion) was a kind of conftant miracle ; fo much he did, and fo much he fuffered, and fo much he denyed himfelf, that if he lived in thefe dayes, his life would be a miracle;but yet if we confider the principles that he was a&ed by, the great wonder will be, not that he did fo much, but that he did 11 more; For, faith he, Chrili liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the fiefh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himfelf for me. It was a great raying of bleffed Bradford, That he could not leave a duty till he had found communion with Chrift in the duty, till he had brought hi heart into a duty-frame ; he could not leave confeffion till he had found his heart touched, broken and humbled for fin, nor petition till he had found his heart taken with the beau- ties of the things defired, and carried out after them; nor could, :114 Gal. 2..1C); Fax Mts and Monum.