A choice Bed of Spices. 325 could he leave thankfgiving till he had found his fpirit en- larged and his foul quickned in the return ofxraifes. And it was a great Laying of another, that he could never be quiet till he found God in every duty, and enjoyed communion with God in every prayer. 0 Lord (Laid he) I never come to thee but by thee, I never go from thee without thee. A sincere Chriflian that is taken with. Chrift above all, can't be fatised nor contented with duties or ordinances, without he enjoyes Chrift in them, who is the life, foul and fubitance of them. But now hypocrites they do duties, but all they do is from common principles , from natural principles, and from an unfanolified heart, and that marrs all. Rewigitm a Judge of Lorraigne tells this Rory, That the Devil in thofe parts did Life to giye money to Witches, which did appear to be good coyn ; it feemed to be currant at firft, but being laid up a while, it then appeared to be nothing but leaves. Hy- pocrites they make a great profeflion, and are much in the outward aaions of Religion ; they make a very fair fhew, they hear, they read, they pray, they faft, they ling Pfalms, and they give alms : But thefe duties being not managed from a principle of divine love, nor from a principle of fpiri- tual life, nor from a fan &ified frame of heart , turn all into leaves, they are all 1311, and the Authors of them call and undone for ever and ever. But, Twelfthly, No hypocrite in the world loves the Word, or delights in the Word, or prizes the Word, as 'tis a holy Word, a fpiritual Word, a beautiful Word, a pure Word, a clean Word, Pfal. 119. 140. Thy word is very pure, there- fore thy fervant loveth it. There are no hearts but men after God's own heart, that can love the Word, and delight in the Word, and embrace the Ward for its bonnet's, purity and fpirituality ; witnefs Panilltoin.7.42.wherefore the Law ts holy, and the Commandment holy, and jufi, and good. Well and what then ? why faith he, Ver. 22. I delight in the Law of God after the ingard man. But is this all? No faith he, Ver.25. with the mind ttny feif ferve the Law of God. Holy Paul de- lights Nonquon air re abfqiie (C ze_ ced.o Bern.11A- ditat. Prefior's four Treatifes. I 2 . Luther faid he would not live in paradife if he might with- out the Word, but with the Word he could live in hell it 'felf.