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326 There feveral titles, Law, Statutes, Tcfti- ' many, Com- mandments, judgments, are ufed promircu- oufly for the whole Word of God, com- monly cliftin- guifhed into Law and crof- PC% Mr. Fox.: A Box of precious Ointment Or, lights in the Law as holy, and ferves the Law as holy, ju fl, and good. A fincere heart is the only heart that is taken with the VVord for its fpirituality, purity and heavenly beauty. Isdone can joy in the Word as it is a holy Word, nor none can cage any fvveetnefs in the Word as 'tis a pure Word, but fincere Chritlians, Val. T9. 8, 9, io. The itattites of )- Lord are right rejoyciug the heart. The cornmandements of the Lord is pure enlightningthe eyes. The fear of the Lord is -clean (that is, the doarine of the Word that teacheth the true fear of God) enduring for ever. The lodgments of the L;rd are true and righteous altogether ; more to be dejired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold,fweeter alfo than honey and the honey comb; or as the Hebrew hath it, Sweeter than the droppings of honey combs. The Word of God, as it is a pure Word, a fpiritual Word;' a clean Word; a holy Word ; fo it rejoyces a fincere heart, and fb it is fweeter than the very droppings of honey combs. The Word, as it is a pure Word, a holy Word, is more fweet to a fincere Chriftian than thole drops which drop immediately and naturally without any force or art, which is counted the pureft and fweetefl honey. There is no profit, nor pleafare, nor joy to that which the purity of the. World yields to a fincere heart, Pfa/. a I 9.48. Illy hands will I lift up to thy commandements which I have loved. Sometimes the lifting up of hands betokens admiration ; when men are ationillied and ravished they lift up their hands. I will lift up my hands to thy commandements; that is, I will admife the goodnefs, fpiritualnefs, holinefs, righteoufnefs, purity and excellency of thy commandements. Luther would not take all the world for one leaf of the Bible, he took fuch fweet pleafare and excellent delight in it. Rabbi C hiia in the jertsfa- lemTalmud fayes, That in his account all the world is not of equal value with one word out of the Law. The Martyrs would have given a load of Hay for a few Chapter! of the Bible in Engin : Some of them gave five marks for a Bi- ll ble, they were fb delighted and taken with the Word, as it was a holy Word, a pure Word, a fpiritual Word. Dolphins (the fay) love mufick; and fo do fincere Chriftians love the mufick of. the Word. Its upon record, that Mary fpent the