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A choice Bed of Spices. 327 the third part of her time in reading the Word, fhe was fo afieaed and delighted with the holinefs and purity of it.. King EdtsArd the fixth being about to lay hold on fomething that was above the reach of his fhort arm, one that flood by efpying a bofs'd Bible lying on the Table, offered to lay that under his feet to heighten him ; but the good young King difliked the motion, and inflead of treading it under his feet, he laid it to his heart, to exprefs the joy and delight that he took in the holy Word,* But now never did any hypocrite, fince there was one in the world, ever love God as a holy God, or love his people ,as a holy people, or love his wayes as holy wayes, or love his word as a holy word. There is no hypocrite in: the world that can truly fay with David, Thy mord is very pure) therefore thy fervant loveth it. Saul could never fay fo, nor Ahab could never fay fos ndr Herod could never fay fo, nor juda4 could never fay fo, nor Dem& could never fay fo, nor Simon /Warm could never fay fo, nor the Scribes and Pharifees could ne- ver fay fo, nor the Stony ground could never fay fo, nor Ifaiah's hypocrites could never fay fo. 'Tis true, fome of 'fa, 53,: thefe did rejoyce in the Word, and delight in the Word, but not as it was a holy Word, a pure Word, for then they would have rejoyced and delighted themfelves in the whole Word of God, every part of God's Word being pure and holy. Hypocrites are fometimes 'affeaed and delighted with i the Word, as, it is dreft up with fine high notions (which are but myflerious nothings) they-are taken with the Word as it is cloathed with arts; parts, and elegancy of phrafe ; they are pleated with theWord as it is apparelled with a fpruce with filken expreffions,or with fame delicate elocutionyEz.ek. 33,3 2. So thou art to them as a very lovely fong, of one that bath a pleafant voice,and can play well on an inflrument ; or as the He7, brew may be reads Thou art as one that, breaks jells. Thefe hy- pocrites-lookt upon the folemnitv and Majefly of the Word but as a dry jell.; the Prophet being eloquent,: andhaving a pleating deliveryf they Were mach taken With it, and it was as foreet and delightful to them as a fit of mufick ;, but they were Sir Sohn ward irk vita.