4 choice Bed of Spices. 329 them more ; fo thefe after they have commended a Sermon, after they have highly applauded a Sermon, they cal} away the Sermon, they fmell to the Sermon (if I may fo fpeak) and fay it is fweet, it is fweet, and prefently they throw it by as a Nofegay that is withered, and of no further ufe But new a fincere heart favours the Word, and relifhes the Word, and is affeaced and taken with the Woid, as it is a holy Word, a fpiritual Word, a pure Word, which the molt refined hypo- crite under heaven never was affe6ted or taken with, nor can be, whilfi hypucrifie keeps the throne in his foul. But, Thirteenthly and lafily, An hypocrite can't endure to be tryed, and fearcht, and, laid open ; an hypocrite hates the light, and had rather go to hell in the dark, than come to be weighed in the ballance of the Sanduary. A foul-fearching Miniflry is to an hypocrite a tormenting Miniftry, that's no man for hi3 money that will never let his confcience alone ; he knows he is like a velvet caddie, velvet without and firaw. within ; he knows he is like a whited fupulc'her, .glorious without, and dead bones within ; and therefore his heart riles and fwells againfi fuch a man, and fuch a Minittry, that is all for the anatomizing and laying of him open to himfelf, and. to the world. But now look, as pure gold fears neither fire nor furnace, neither telt nor touchflone, neither one bal- lance nor another ; fo a fincere heart dares venture it felf upon tryal, yea upon the very tryal of God himfelf, Pfal. f 3 9 . z 3 . Search n-le, 0 God, and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts. A fincere Chriflian prayes his friends to fearch him, and he prayes foul-fearching Miniffers to fearch him ; but above all, he .begs hard of God to fearch him 3 Se,trch me, 0 God. The Hebrew word iavrt is imperat Kai; he commands God to fearch him. The original word figni-[ fies a !Hot, curious, diligent fearch. A fincere Chriflian is very willing and defirous, that God ihould throughly fearch him, that God should fearch into every corner and cranny of dais heart, Ppd. 2 6 . 2. Examine' me, 0 Ldrd, and prove me, try my retns and my heart. Every word here has its weight ; Ex- V v amine 1 3 . .1 IT ua a 0, t "1. r 4, I 2 V 9 I it, ohn3,1.0 Npt,23 .27)7.8, See Job 31.0