E. Ointment 0 A Box of precious : Or, A falfe evi- dence is the fruit of a flight and fuperficial fearch. aa.i 7e me, 0 Lord. The Hebrew word Mrir fignifies to melt, and fo to try, which makes, the molt intrinfecal and exact difcovery. 0 Lord, let my heart and reins be melted, that it May be known what metal they are made of, whether gold or tin ; Prove me. The Hebrew word 1,3,3m fignifies to view, as when a man gets upon forne high Tower or Hill to fee all from thence. Mount aloft, 0 Lord,. take the high Tower, take the Hill, that thou mayeft, f ee ghat is in Me ; try me and know my thoughts. The Hebrew word 1.1t)21 is from ritDa Nam,- which properly fignifies to take away, and is applied to Abrahams taking away of his fon. Lord,faith the Prophet, if upon fearching and examining of me, thou fhalt find any fin, any creature, any comfort, any enjoyment, that lyes in thy room, take it away, that thou mayell be all in all to me. A fincere Chriftian knows that God never brings a pair of fcales to weigh his graces, but only a touch-lone to try the truth of his graces ; he knows if his gold, his grace, be true, though it be never fo little,it will pafs for currant with God, and therefore he is free to venture upon the cloffeft fearch of God. Now, look as Bankrupts care not for calling up their accounts, becaufe they know all is naught, very naucht yea {lark naught with them : So hypocrites, they care not to come to the tryal, to the tell, becaufe they know all is naught, yea vvorfe than naught with them ; they have no mind to call up their fpiritual eftates, becaufe at the foOt of the account they muff be put to read their neck verfer undone; undone : And therefore, as old deformed women can- not endure to look into the looking-glafs,left their wrinckles and deformity fhould be difcovered ; fo hypocrites cannot endure to look into the glafs of the Gofpel, left their defor- / mities, impieties and wickedneffes fhould be difcovered and deteaed. I have read of the Elephant, how unwilling he is to go into the water ; but when he is forced into it,. he pud- dles it, left by the cleernefs of the ftream he fhould difcern his own deformity : So hypocrites, they are very unwilling to look into their own hearts, or into the deer ftreams of Scriptures, left their fouls deformity and uglinefs fhould ap- pear to their own terror and amazement. 0 Sirs t look, as