A choice Bed of Spices. 331 it is a hopeful evidence that the Clyents, caufe is good, when he is ready and willing to enter upon a tryal ; and as it is a hopeful fign that a man's gold is true gold, when he is willing to bring it to the touchflone ; and that a man thrives when he is willing to call up his:,Books : So it a , hopeful evidence that a Chriftian is fincere with God, when he is ready and willing to venture upon the tryal of God, when he is wil- ling to call up his Books, his accounts, that he may fee what he is worth for another world. Augogin fpeaks of an acute perfon, who was wont to fay that he prized that little time which he conflantly fet apart every day for the examination of his confcience, far more than all the other part of the day which he fpent in his voluminous controverfies. Of all the duties of Religion an hypocrite dreads molt that of felf-ex- amination, and that of venturing himfelf upon the fearch and tryal of God. Well, for a ciofe, Though an hypocrite may deceive all the world, like that counterfeit Alexander in Jojephus his {Tory, yet Augultms will not be deceived ; the Great God will not be deceived, for his eyes are quick and piercing into all things, perfons and places. Look, as the eyes of a well drawn piatare are fanned on thee which way foever thou turned`; fo are the eyes of the Lord faftned on thee, 0 iirocrite, which way foever thou male:. 'Twas a worthy faying of on; If thou canft not hide thy felf from the Sun, which is God's Minifler of light, how impoffi',1e will it be to thy fell from him whole eyes are ten thou- Land times brighter thari the Sun? The eye of God many times is very terrible to an hypocrite , which makes him very thie of venturing upon the tryal of God : No hypocrite fence the world flood, did ever love or delight to be fearcht and tried by God. And thus I have (hewed you the feveral rounds or fleps in 14cob's Ladder, which no hypocrite under heaven can fwhillt he remains an hypocrite) climb up to. And fo much for this Chapter. V v CHAP. Gal. 6, 4, T. Aug. in Pfal. 3 3. COLIC'. 2. Job 34, z 1, z. z. Chron.,6 9. Prov. z r. & 15. 3. ilmbtof. offic. 11. I call.