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332 A Box of precious Ointment Or, Though our graces like Gi dews Army, are but a hand- ful in compari. fan of our fins, which like the idi aniter are innumerable, yet a handful of grace is to be owned in the roicift of an Holt of fins. I Sam. II. 13,14. ffftfAiMMIIIMOMffhl. CHAP. V. 11c4v in this fifth and le Chapter, I Ihall lay down fame Propofitions and Threatens, that fo you may fee what a fober tife and improvement chriflians ought to make of their evidences for Heaven; and how in the u fe.of gracious evidences they ought to live above their gra cieas evidenres, and bow to exalt and lift up Chrift above all their graces, evidences and performances. Chit Propofition. 'Tis the wifdom, and ought to be the I.' work of every Chriflian to own the leaf meafure of grace that is in him though it be mixed and mingled with many weakneffes and infirmities : Sin is Satan's work , and grace is Chrift's work , . and therefore Chrift's work ought to be eyed and owned, though it be mingled with much of Satan's work. That Chriftian is much clouded and benight- ed, who bath two eves to behold- his fins, but never an eye to fee his graces. Clirift gets no glory, nor the foul gets no good, when a Chriftian is fill a poring upon his fins. How can that Chriftian prize a little grace, and blefs. God for a little grace, and improve a little grace, who won't own a little grace becaufe it is mingled with many weakneffes ? Shall the Husbandman own a little wheat when mingled with a great deal of chaff?. &all the Goldmith own_ a little fi- lings of gold when mingled with a great deal of &if ? and shall not a Chriftian own a little grace when mingled with a igreat many failings? David had a great many infirmities, yet he owns- his uprightnefs, Pfal. x S. 23, 1 was up ight be-