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A choice Bet 1, of Spices.: 3 33, fore him. And job had a great many weakneffes, yet he owns Job 3® his integrity, job. 27. 5. Till I die I sill not remove my inte- erity from me. Ver. 6. My rigkteoufneft I hold faft , and sillmet let it go, my heart (hall not reproach 'me fo long as I live. The Spoufe was fenlible of her blacknefs, yet owns her comelinefs, Cant. t. 5. /60n black, but comely. So Cant.5.2. fleep, but, my heart saketh. f eremiah was a man of many failings, yet he owns his hope in God, ler. 17. 17. Thom art my hope in the day of evil. The 'poor man- in the Gofpel was very fenfible of the fad reliques and remains of unbelief that was in him, and yet with a holy boldnefs and confidence be pleads his faith, Mark 9. 24. Lord, I believe, help my un- belief. Teter mifcarried fadly, and yet he owns his love to Chrift, fob. a r . 1 5. Lord, thou knoseft that I love thee.Ver.16. Lord, thou bmseft that I love thee. Ver. 17. Lord, thou knorpefl all things, thou knoseft that 1 love thee. Paul had his infirmities and weakneffes hanging upon him , witn.efs that 7th- of the Romans ; and yet how frequently and boldly does he own the grace of God that was in him,throughout hisEpifiles.Nothing keeps grace more at an under, than mens not owning of a little grace, becaufe it is mingled with many infirmities. The belt may to be greatly good, is to own a little, little good, b though in the midi} of much evil. But The fecond Propofition is this It is your wifdom, and fhould be your work, to look upon all your graces and gra- cious evidences as favours given you from above, as gifts dropt out of heaven into your hearts, as flowers of Paradife flack in your bofoms by a divine hand. A man fhould never look upon his graces or his gracious evidences,= but fhould be ready to fay, thefe are the jewels - of glory with which God has befpangled my foul, i Cor. 4. 7. what haft thou that thou haft not received ? What gift? what grace ? what experience ? what evidence hat} thou that thou haft not received ? All the light, and all the life, and all the love, and all the joy, and all the fear, and all the faith, and all the hope, and all the patience, and all the humility, &c. that thou halt, with all the evidences that arife from difcovery of thofe graces, are all Of thine own (faith David) have we given , thee, i Chron. et9,.11,0