Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

A Box 4 precious Ointment : Or, ________L-.... all grace gifts, they are 411 from above. Every good gift ,and arm, 1.17. every perfeti_gift is from above, and cometh dorm from the father of fights. ;Look,. as all light flows from the Sun, and all water frqm the; Sea, fo all temporal, fpiritual and eternal good flows from heaven. All your graces, and the greateft excel- lencies that are in you, do as much depend upon God and ioh. 1 5. t, 2,3, Chrift, as the light doth upon the Sun, or as the Rivers do 5, upon the Sea, or as the branches do upon the root. All my 144 g7.7, fprings are in thee ; all the fprings of comfort that I have cot Municated to my foul, and all the fprings of grace that haie_to quicken me, and to evidence the goodnefs and happi- nefs of my fpiritual dote nd condition to me, they are all in thee. When a Chriftian looks upon his wifdom and know- ledge, it concerns him to fay, Here is wifdom and know- ledge, I but 'tis from.above ; here is Tome weak love work- ing towards Chrift, but 'tis from above ; here's joy, and comfort, and peace, 84c. but there are all filch flowers of Paradife as never grew in =asses garden. Now when a Chriftian looks thus upon all there call y Diamonds of grace, of glory,_ with which his foul is bedeckt, he keeps low, thOugh his graces and gracious evidences are high. Where this Rule is negleaed, the foul will be endangered of being fwell'd and pufft. It was a great laying of a very worthy man that is now lira FOX with God, viz., That as he often got much good by his fins, fo he often got much hurt by his *o-races. Dear hearts, when you look upon the Dream, remember the fountain ; when you look-upon the flower, retember the root ; when you look upon the Stars, remember the Sun ; and when ever you look upon your graces, then be fare to remember Chrill the fountain of grace l elfe Satan will certainly be too hard for you : Satan is fo fubtile, fo artificial, and fo critical, that he can make your very graces to ferve him againft your graces conquering joy by joy, forrow by forrow, humility by hu- mility, fear by fear, and love by love ; if you don't look upon all your graces as Dreams flowing from the fountain above, and AS fruits growing upon the Tree of life that is in the .gs*NAWI.P..asw