A ,choice Bed of Spicer. 335 ' the midft of the Paradife of God. Therefore when one of your eyes is fixt upon your graces, let the other be alwayes fixt upon Chrift the. fountain of grace. Of hie folnefi have i John IC all we received, and grace for grace. Here they eye thei:r gra.. ces, and the fountain of grace together. So akii, I li6e, yet not I, but Chrift liveth in me ; and the life which I now live in the flefh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Gal' 2" 2 O, bumf-elf for me. Paul eyes Chrift and his graces together ; .fo Peter eyes Chrift and his graces together. Lord, that knorceft John zi. is. that I love thee. So thole Worthies of whom this world was not worthy, they eye Chrift and their graces together. Look- He Ir. Ia. x. tug onto jefus the Author andfinilher of our faith. Though grace r., or. 5. 17. be a new creature, a noble creature, a beautiful creature, an excellent creature, yet grace is but a creature, and fuch a Col, i. r7. creature that is ftrengthned, maintained, charifhed and up- Phil.4.ii,i3., 4 held in your fouls, in life and power,in beauty and glory, by Cant, . mit. nothing below the fpiritual, internal and glorious operations of Chrift, Col. 1. to. That ye might rualkworthy of the Lord unto all pleafing, being fruitful in every good work 2 and increaling in the knowledge of God. Ver. ii. Strengtbned with all might according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long-foffering with joyfulners.Now when ever you look upon grace as a love- ly, beautiful creature, 0 then remember that might and glo- rious power of Chrift, by which this creature is preferved andPrengthned.Chriftianslour graces are holy and heaven- ly plants of Chrift's own fetting and watering, and will you mind the plants more than that noble hand that fet them ? 'Tis Chrift alone that can caufe the defires of his people to (fa, 52. xl. Sz bud, and their graces to bloffom, and their fouls to be like a 35.61 7. watered garden, green and flourishing ; and therefore let the eye of your fouls be firffly, rnoftly and chiefly fixt upon Chrift. But, it? The third Propofition is this. When you look upon your graces in the light of the Spirit, it highly ,concerns you to rook narrowly to it, that you don't renounce and rei eery our graces, 3.