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336 Grotius in Rte. 3, 16: a James 1.1 . Ver. a 6. A Box of precious Ointment : Or, graces, as weak and worthlefs evidences of your intereft in Chrift, and of that eternal happinefs and bleffednefs that comes by Chrifl. The works of grace (faith my Author) which confifls in thoredivine, qualities of holinefs and righ- teoufnefs, &c. Gal. 5. 22, 23. is a fure Mark, a bleed charaaer, whereby men may know whofe children they are ; even as the Spartans or Laiedemonians of old are faid to know what flock and linage they were of, by a mark that Was made upon their bodies by the head of a Lance or Speer. I readi- ly, grant, that you mutt not trait in your graces, nor make a Saviour of your graces ; but yet you ought to look upon your graces, as fo many figns and teflimonies of the love and fa- vour of God to your fouls. What certainty can there be of Ele6lion,Remillion of fin, jollification or Glorification, if there be not a certainty of your Sanaidcation and Renova- tion ; if that perfwadon that is in you ahout your grace or fan6tification be falfe, then that perfwadon that is in you concerning remitTion of fin, predeflination, jollification and eternal falvation is fare : This highly concerns all them to confider, that would not be miferable in both worlds. I know many cry up Revelations, Impreffions, Vifions (yea the,vifions of their own hearts) and fpeak lightly and flight- ly of the graces of the Spirit, of fanaification, of holinefs, as evidences of the goodnefs and happinefs of a Chriflians condition. There were fome in fames his time, who cryed up faith, and union, and communion with Chrift, but were deflitute of good works. Well, what faith the Apoftle ? Shaw me thy faith without thy works, and I will 'beg thee my faith by my works ; for as the body without the fpirit is dead, fo faith without arks is dead. Look, as the body without the fpirit (or without breath, as the Greek word nve4to: primarily fg- nifies) is dead ; fo that faith that is without works, which are as it were the breathings of a lively fail h, is a dead faith, Though it be faith that jufliaeth the man, yet it is works that jollities a mans faith. to be rig t :1-rd real, faving and ju- flifying. So there were fome f uhn.s time, viz,. -the Gdoe flicks, who talkt high of fellowlhip and communion w1th Chrift, and yet walkt in darknefs ; they lived in all iolro- rity,