At choice, Bed of Spices. rity, and yet would make the world believe that they were the only people who knew God,and haclfellowfhip with God, but °John tells us they were lyars. If ire fay that xe have fel- a Cori 6. Y4. loofhipivith him, and irall in darknefs, we lye, and do-not the truth. What felloalhiphath ligbt >pith dArknefs? Such walk in dark- nefs, who promife to themfelves the future vition of God's face, whilft they go on in the wilful breach of God's royal , 11aws. Such who fay they know him, and are fwallowed up in the enjoyments of him, and yet in the courfe of their lives waik contrary to him, fuch are lyars. He that faith 1 knort hins, I John 2. 4- and keep.! not his commandements is a liar. Sanetification and juftification are both of them benefits of the Covenant of Jri"' 2)9' ticb.2.1o01. grace, and therefore to evidence the one by the other, can be no turning afide to the covenant of works : You may run and read in the Covenant of gcacel that he that is juftified is alfo falsified, and that he that is fantlified is alio juflified and therefore, why may not he that knows himfelf to be real- ly fan &ified upon that very ground, fafely and boldly con- clude, that he is certainly juftified. 0 Sirs ! the fame fpiri- that witnelfes to a "Chriftian his juulification, can thine upon his graces; and witnefs to him his fan6iification as well as his juftification ; and without all c.`.ontroverfie, 'tis-as- much the office of the Spirit to witnefs to a man his fanaification, as 'cis to witnefs to him-his juftification. But you will fay, Sir, pray what fhould be the reafons why many men have, and why fome do 1E11 cry down marks and figns, and deny fan&i- fication to be an evidence of wens juftification, &c. and fpeak difgracefully of this praaice that is nox under con- federation ? I conjeaore the Reafons may be fuch as follow.. Fir% Many Profeffors take up in -a great-name, and in a T. great proferfbn, and in great parts and gifts though they have never found a through change, though they have never paft the pangs of the new birth, though they have never ex- ijperienced what it is to be a new creature, a throughout Chri- ftian. And hence it comes to pats, that they make head a- gainft this way of evidencing the goodnefs and happinefs of a mans condition, by inward gracious qualifications. Of all X x men