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338 A Box of preckiis Ointment: Or, , Thcf. Z. TO3 1) 3. 14. It. men theft are moll apt to out-run the truth, and to run from one extream to another and to be only o cnftant in incon- i fancy. But,. - Secondly, Many profeffors are given up to fpiritual judg- ments (which are the foreft of all judgments) viz,. luke- warmnefs, dead-heartednefs, formality, inclifferency, Apo- ilacy, blindnefs, hardnefs, and to prong delufions, that they itiould believe a lye, becaufe they received not the love of the truth, that they might be laved. Now, is it any wonder to fee fuch men quarrel, and wrangle, and rail againfl the way and method of evidencing the goodnefs and happinefs of a mans fpiritual condition, by inherent gracious qualifica- tions ? But, Thirdly, In fame this arifeth from their hafts, which they indulge and connive at, and which they have a mind to live quietly in ; they are defirous to keep their peace, and yet unwilling to forfake their lulls ; and hence they exclude this witnefs of water or fanaification to teflifie in the Court of iConfcience, whether they are beloved of God, or whether they are fincere hearted or no, or whether they have the root of the matter in them or no ; for the want of this witnefs, water or fan6tification, is a clear and full witnefs againft them, that they are yet in their fins, under wrath, and in the way to eternal ruin ; and that they have nothing to do with peace, or comfort, or the promifes, or Chrift, or heaven, to take God's name into their lips, feeing they fecretly ,hate to he reformed. There are many fair Profeffors that are foul (inners, and that have much of God, and Chrift, and heaven, and holinefs in their lips, when they have nothing but fin and hell in their hearts and lives. Thefe mens converfions fhame their profeffion, and therefore they cry out again( fan&ifi- cation a a Pure, and bleffed evidence of a mans juilification Such finners as live in a courfe of fin, that make a Trade of fin, that indulge their fins, that take tap arms in defence of fin, that make provifion for lin, that make a fport of fin, that take pleafure in fin, and that rave fet their hearts upon their fins ;i