Brooks - BT750 .B7 1669

4o A Box of precroles 0 in-tment : Or, 3 had need to have a clear light and good eyes, that is to dif- cern a hair, a mote, or an atome. A little ,grace is not dif- coverable but by a fhininc, light from above. There are none fo full of fears, and doubts, and quections, and difputes,abcut the truth of their faith in Chrift, and the fincerity of their love to Chrift, as thofe that leaft believe and leaf' love. The Itlark 4.30331, King dom of God in molt Chriftians is but as a brain of mu-. 3 2, flard-feed, which is the leaft of all feeds,and therefore 'tis no wonder they fee it not.T he root of the matter in molt Chri- tlians is but fmall, and that fmall root is often covered over with many (inful infirmities and weakneffes,and therefore we are not to look upon it as a lirange thing,if we fee fuch Chri- flians not fenfible of the root of matter that is in them. ;Weak habits put forth fuch faint anions (and with fo much interruption) that it is not an eafie thing to difcern whether they are the produots of fpecial or of common grace. Now molt Chriflians having but fmall meafures of grace, lolinefs and fanaification in them ; and thefe fmall meafures being much obfcured and buried under the prevalency of fears, doubts and unmortified leis, can fpeak but weakly and dark- ly for them; & upon this ground they are not fond of bringing in this witnefs of fanetification to fpeak for them. In civil Courts men are not ambitious to bring fuch svitneffes to the Bar,as can witnes but weakly &frintlyin their cafe. Tis Co here. 6. Sixthly, Satan is a grand enemy to the peace, joy, com fort, affurance, fettlement and fatisfaCtion of every poor Chriftian ; and therefore he will leave no flone unturri'd, Prat. ?7, nor no means unatternpted, whereby he may keep them in a Pia% 8$, ION) dark, unfettled and uncomfortable condition. When once a poor foul is brought over to Chrift, ho .floes the Devil beflir himfelf to keep fuch a foul fo under fears, doubts and bondage, as that it may not in the leaf} have an eye to any thing that may have a proper tendency to its comfort, joy, affurance, peace or quiet. The Devil will do I all he can to furnith fuch (as are begotten again by the refur- reecion of Chrift from the dead) with all forts of deadly weapons out of his Armoury to fight againft thofe Argu ' me.nts and evidences which make for the peace and comfol ofd