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A choke Bed of Spices. 343 how 'tis like to go with them in another world, the redou- bled commnad of the Apoftle would be in vain. The fecond Greek word is 46,0K-Ts ' trove your feiv:s. The original word fignifies a fevere and diligent inquifition into our felves, fo as to have a full experience of what is in us. Doubtiefs the Apofile would never call again and again upon us, to try and examine our felves whether we be in the faith, if it were bat lawful to come to the knowledge of our faith, or of our being in the hate of faithful Chriftians in a difcurfive way, arguing fromthe effect to the caufe. So in that, z Tet.1.10, ti/herefore the rather brethren, give all diligence to make ytoir cal- ling and election fare. The Greek word translated give pence, is very emphatical, it fignifies to do a thing not in an ,A.10 ,ttcakOV overly, lazy, carelefs way, but to do a thing with induftry, 641°-(/)61 1vigilancy and unweariednefs of fpirit. Now it is granted onl all hands, that ele6tion cannot be made more fure refpe61; of God or it felf, 'out only in refpeet of us, that we may be mo:e perfwaded of it. Ele &ion cannot be made more flue, than it is already, for thofe whom God bath elected (hall be! certainly glorified , but we malt make it fare on our parts a that is, we malt labour to have a rearbottom and grounded} °".19' aflUrance that we are elected by Godin his eternal decree, to obtain life and glory by Jefus Chrilt. There is a double cer- tainty, I. There is certitudo objedi, a certainty of the object; fo our election is fare with God, for with him both it and all things are unchangable. 2.There is certitndo fiibjedi, the certainty of the fubject ; and fo we mull make our election lure to our felves fi our °Nil hearts and confciences. Now adding grace to grace, and by caning thofe feveral graces to the means whereby we are to come to this affurance, is by 'abound in us. This is the way of wayes to make all lure toes. Now by there Scriptures 'tic moil evident, that we fland en- gaged to make our election fure by holy figns and marks. But, The fifth Propofition is this. That other precious Saints that are now triumphing in glory, have pleaded their inte- reftin God's love,and their hopes of a better life from graces inhe-