choice Bed of Spices. upon him, the wife of his bofom proved a tempter to him, a tormenter of him ; his molt inward acquaintance cleferted him, reproached him, and condemned him as an hypocrite . God writ bitter things againfl him, and made him to pollees the iniquities of his youth, all was clouded above him, and he fiript of all the outward comforts that did once furround him ; fo that he had nothing left to flay him, to refrefli to fupport him, and to be a comfort and joy to him, but the fenfeof his integrity, and the evidence he had of his own uprightnefs, his own righteoufnefs, Yob. 27. 5. Till I die I will not removemy integrity from me. Ver. 6. My righteoufnefs I hold foft, and will not let it go ; my heart (hall not reproach rise fo long as 1 live. fob was under great affliotions, fore tempta- tions, and deep defertions ; now that which was his cordial, his bulwark in thoie fad times, was the fenfe and feeling of his own uprightnefs, his own righteoufnefs ; the fenfe and feeling of the grace of God in him, kept him from fainting and finking under all his troubles. So i Joh. 2. 3. Hereby we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments, &c. In there words two things are obfervable ; Firfi, that where there is a true knowledge of Chrift, there is an obfervation of his commandements. Secondly 5 that by this obfervation of his royal Law, we may know that our knowledge is found and fincere. He fpeaks not of a legal, but of an evangelical keeping of his commandements. A confcionable and ferious endeavour to walk in a holy cotarfe of life, according to God's will revealed in his Word, is a molt certain mark or evidence that we have a Caving knowledge of God; and that we are his children, and heirs of glory. Such who fincerely defire, and unfeignedly purpofe , and firmly refolve , and faithfully endeavour to keep the commandements of God ; thefe do keep the commandements of God evangelically and acceptably in the eye of God, the account of God. So ver.6. - He that faith he abided) in him, ought hinsfelf alfo fo tontalk,even iu he walked. Here you may obferve two things ; Firlt, that by faith we'are implanted into Chrift. S:;condly that we difcover our implantation into Chrift by our imitation of Chrift., Such as plead for fanaification a an evidence of Y juitifi- 345 ob 168,& 2.3.