346 A Box of precious Ointment: Or, 6. The moil or- dinary and Cafe way of coming to affurance, is the ditcourfive /way in which a believer from I the fruits and ieffeas of grace infers he hath the hlhit, and from the habit concludes his j ittification az adoption ; and as this is a way leaf{ rub- cEt to d elution, to it is alto moft (lilted to a ra- tional creature, whore way of aRing is by difcoutke and argumentation. judification, don't make their graces caufes of their im- plantation into Chriff, or of their juflification before the throne of Chrid, but they make them teflimonies and Wit, lieires to declare the truth of their real implantation into 'Chrifl, and of their being judified before the throne of Chrift. So i 70h. 3. 14. eke knog ge are tranflated from death to life lee,usfe ge love the brethren. The /Tad& makes this a great iign of godlinefs to _love another godly man for godli- nefs fake ; and the more godly he is, the more to love him and to.delight in him: Now mark, this love of our brethren is not a caufe of our tranflation from death to life (for the very word tt:anflated, fuppofeth fuch a grace, fuch a favour of God as is without us) but a fign of our translation from death to life. But of this I have faid enough already ; as you may fee if you will but read from page 189. to page zoo. of this Book. But,- The fixth Proposition is this. There are many fcores of precious promifes made over to them that believe, to them that trufl in the Lord, to them that fet him up as the great oh- je& of their fear, to them that love him, to them that de- light in him, to them that obey him, to them that walk with him, to them that third after him, to them that fuller for him, to them that follow after him, &c.Now, all thefe fcores of promifes are made for the fupport, comfort and encou b - ra,,ement of all fuch Chriflians whole fouls are befpangled with grace. But now if we may not lawfully come to the knowledge of our faith, love, fear, delight, obedience, &c. in a difcourfive way, arguing from the eftea to the caufe. What fupport, what comfort, what advantage 11111 a fincere Chridian have by all thole fcores of promiffory places of 'Scripture ? Doubtlefs all thole fcores of promifes would be as fo many Suns without light, as. fo many fprings without wa- ter, asfo many breads. without milk, and as fo many bodies without fouls, to all gracious Chriflians, were it:not lawful for them toloretipfuch a pra6tical fyllogifm as this is, viz,. The Scripture cloth plainly and fully declare, that he that be